Featured News
PhD Candidate Marlee Mercer and Dr. Gulseren publish article in Studies in Higher Education Journal
PhD Candidate Marlee Mercer and Dr. Duygu Biricik Gulseren from the School of Human Resources Management have authored an article published in the Studies of Higher Education Journal. Titled "When Negative Feedback Harms: A Comprehensive Review of Unintended Consequences on Psychological, Attitudinal, and Behavioral Responses," synthesizes research on the outcome of negative feedback on undergraduate students’ psychological reactions, behaviours, and attitudes about teaching and learning.
School of HRM students assist in remote working research survey
Six students from the School of Human Resource Management pursuing their third year of PhD, collaborated to conduct interviews for a qualitative research study about the impacts of working remotely in the context of COVID-19 at York University.
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Learn more about HRM at York!
School of Human Resource Management voted best in Canada for third consecutive year
Every York HRM program was nominated and selected as the winner in its respective category, including the PhD HRM program, the executive master’s program (MHRM), the bachelor’s degree programs (BHRM) and the certificate in HRM.
HR Edge Magazine
The Magazine of Leading Edge Ideas in Human Resource Management: Bringing together scholarly work and professional practice in HR Management. HR Edge is an annual publication produced by the Graduate Program in Human Resources Management.
Passings: Kenneth James McBey
Professor Kenneth James McBey passed away on June 22 at the age of 65.
McBey was a faculty member at York University since 1989, first in the School of Administrative Studies, and later cross-appointed as a founding member of the School of Human Resource Management.
Learn More
The Graduate Program in Human Resource Management at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.