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Welcome to the Graduate Program in Humanities

Master of Arts (MA), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Humanities is a program of study whose very basis is the dynamic interaction between text and context in historical and comparative perspective, and whose methodology is explicitly and systematically interdisciplinary.

The program's mandate is to produce graduates equipped to utilize the rich tools afforded by interdisciplinary scholarship in humanities within a broad range of pursuits not only within a university setting but also outside it.

Engage in a study of the humanities

Fields of Study

Comparative Perspectives and Cultural Boundaries

Religion, Values, and Cultures

Humanities Perspectives on Social Justice

Critical Childhood and Youth Studies

Upcoming Events

Featured Faculty

I am a doctoral candidate in the Department of Humanities at York University, Toronto, Canada. My research employs critical discourse analysis and a digital humanities framework to explore feminist and queer digital counterpublics through digital protest in the Global South. I specifically engage with protest hashtags to investigate questions of representation, access, identity building, and participation of gendered subaltern communities on social media platforms in the Indian context. I also study polarization, hate speech, and radicalization in digital activism.

— Nanditha Narayanamoorthy
PhD student in the Graduate Program in Humanities

Photo of Nanditha Narayanmoorthy

Learn More

The Graduate Program in Humanities at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.