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For more information on our course offerings, please go to York Course Website.

Calendar Year Term Course # Course Title
2024 SU gs/itec 6002A
2024 F gs/itec 6002A
2025 W gs/itec 6002M
2024 F gs/itec 6180A
2024 F gs/itec 6210A
2025 W gs/itec 6220M
2025 W gs/itec 6240M
2024 F gs/itec 6310A
2025 W gs/itec 6310M
2024 F gs/itec 6330A
2025 W gs/itec 6510M
2024 F gs/itec 6810A

Elective Courses

Up to six credits of elective courses from other units may be taken in place of credits from the MAIST core, where appropriate to support students’ research or career specializations, and with permission of their supervisors and the Graduate Program Director.

Learn More

The Graduate Program in Information Systems & Technology at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.