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How to Apply

Aerial view of Vari Hall with the Ross Building behind it
  • When completing the online Graduate Application Form, your must select September (Fall) 2024 for start date. This program does not accept applications for Winter or Spring/Summer.
  • Online application must be submitted to Graduate Admissions at York University by the January 15 deadline.
  • All additional required documentation should be uploaded by February 1, (i.e. transcript(s), references, CV, statement of interest). If your application is Incomplete after this date, it will not be considered until all required documents are received. Please review "Application" section at bottom of this page.
  • If your first language is not English, you must show you have an acceptable level of English by completing a language proficiency test.

Because the number of applicants greatly exceeds the number of positions available, meeting our minimum Admission Requirements is not a guarantee of admission.

  • All applicants must complete the Graduate Admissions Application Form available at York University - Graduate Admissions
  • All applicants must complete the Letters of Recommendation Form (referee list) accessed through MyFile (provide names/emails of 2 referees). 72 hours after the applicant submits the online form, Graduate Admissions will email each referee with instructions. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the correct email address for each referee is provided. No more than 2 referees are required.
  • All applicants list up to 3 potential supervisors by completing the online Preferred Supervisor Form. It is recommended that the applicant should contact specific KAHS faculty members and discuss the potential research opportunities.
  • All applicants must upload their CV and Statement of Interest through MyFile. The Statement of Interest should outline the applicant's past areas of study and specifically what research area is of most interested. The applicant may use any personal or professional experiences that may reflect why our graduate program might be a suitable area of study.
  • International (non domestic) student enrollment is extremely limited. Please contact a potential KAHS faculty member available for supervision before completing the online admission graduate application.

All transcripts must be uploaded through MyFIle. Do not mail or deliver transcripts to the graduate program office.

Please read the information on the future students website to help you complete your application to York University.

Learn More

The Graduate Program in Kinesiology and Health Science at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.