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Welcome to the Graduate Program in Linguistics & Applied Linguistics

Master of Arts (MA), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Graduate Program in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at York University offers a one-year M.A. and a four-year Ph.D. in two areas of specialization (Linguistics or Applied Linguistics). Incoming students join a vibrant community of well-established international scholars with a wide range of research interests and peers with local and international academic and professional experience. The program offers courses that cover current theories and methodological practices, opportunities to engage in faculty supervised, innovative research, and services that facilitate students’ socialization into advanced academic discourses. Our mission is to prepare students for careers in teaching, research, government, and the private sector.


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The Graduate Program in Linguistics & Applied Linguistics at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.