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Director’s Message

Welcome to our graduate program!

Located in Canada’s largest city, the Graduate Program in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at York University is well known for the excellence of its faculty, students, and teaching. Faculty research and supervision interests cover a broad spectrum of areas in the two offered fields of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics.

We offer a one-year M.A. and a four-year Ph.D. program with courses and specializations in either Linguistics or Applied Linguistics. In Linguistics, students can focus on sociolinguistics (language variation and change, discourse analysis, language, and law), formal linguistics (phonology, syntax), or psycholinguistics. In Applied Linguistics, students can focus on second language education and assessment, language policy and planning, narrative studies, as well as multi-modal and e-learning. While linguistics and applied linguistics are the structural columns of the program, the program encourages interaction and cross-fertilization between areas of interest represented within the program.

Our mission is to educate candidates in linguistics and applied linguistics in ways that will prepare them for careers in teaching, research, government, and the private sector. We do this within York University’s exciting academic and social environment. Our graduate students represent a rich cultural and linguistic mix, and our faculty are well-established international scholars with a remarkable range of research and teaching interests. We are proud of the quality of our program and the fact that students are exposed to many different issues and perspectives in linguistics and applied linguistics.

Please read the information on this site and we encourage you to contact us with any questions you may have.

Philipp Angermeyer
Director, Graduate Program in Linguistics & Applied Linguistics

Learn More

The Graduate Program in Linguistics & Applied Linguistics at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.