For more information on our course offerings, please go to York Course Website.
Calendar Year
Course #
Course Title
gs/math 5840M
Mathematics Learning Environments
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/math 5900M
Thinking about Teaching Mathematics
This course invites participants to reflect on the practice of teaching mathematics in light of research, theory, and their own experiences. It examines how teachers draw on mathematical and pedagogical knowledge in their work. A specialised mathematics background is not a prerequisite.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Instructor(s): T. Rapke
gs/math 5910A
Quantitative Research Methods in Education
Quantitative Research Methods in Education”/Same as Mathematics & Statistics 5910 3.0 Calendar course description: This course discusses theoretical, practical and ethical considerations, decisions and processes involved in conducting quantitative research in education. It explores the research process from formulating research questions, study design, sampling, data collection, analysis and interpretation, to communicating research processes and findings.
Instructional Format: BLEN
Instructor(s): K. Barkaoui
gs/math 5910A
Quantitative Research Methods in Education
Quantitative Research Methods in Education”/Same as Mathematics & Statistics 5910 3.0 Calendar course description: This course discusses theoretical, practical and ethical considerations, decisions and processes involved in conducting quantitative research in education. It explores the research process from formulating research questions, study design, sampling, data collection, analysis and interpretation, to communicating research processes and findings.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/math 5920A
Research in Mathematics Education
Presently there are no research methods courses that focus on the particular needs of the students interested in doing research in mathematics education. This course is intended as a companion to the course in qualitative and quantitative methods.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/math 5920M
Research in Mathematics Education
Presently there are no research methods courses that focus on the particular needs of the students interested in doing research in mathematics education. This course is intended as a companion to the course in qualitative and quantitative methods.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Instructor(s): M. Osibodu
gs/math 6001A
Survey Paper
Grading of a Survey Paper will follow the format of grading of other courses in the programme (i.e. A+, A, etc.). A student will normally be required to present his/her paper in a student Colloquium. The final grade will be partially dependent on the student's performance during such a presentation.
Instructional Format: RESP
gs/math 6001A
Survey Paper
Grading of a Survey Paper will follow the format of grading of other courses in the programme (i.e. A+, A, etc.). A student will normally be required to present his/her paper in a student Colloquium. The final grade will be partially dependent on the student's performance during such a presentation.
Instructional Format: RESP
gs/math 6001M
Survey Paper
Grading of a Survey Paper will follow the format of grading of other courses in the programme (i.e. A+, A, etc.). A student will normally be required to present his/her paper in a student Colloquium. The final grade will be partially dependent on the student's performance during such a presentation.
Instructional Format: RESP
gs/math 6001M
Survey Paper
Grading of a Survey Paper will follow the format of grading of other courses in the programme (i.e. A+, A, etc.). A student will normally be required to present his/her paper in a student Colloquium. The final grade will be partially dependent on the student's performance during such a presentation.
Instructional Format: RESP
gs/math 6002A
Directed Reading
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/math 6002A
Directed Reading
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/math 6002M
Directed Reading
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/math 6002M
Directed Reading
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/math 6004A
Mathematics Seminar
Students are required to present two one-hour seminars under faculty supervision and to attend other students' presentations. Written reports on the seminars are also required. The topics can be chosen from any field of mathematics but must be distinct from the material of the student's coursework, thesis or survey paper.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/math 6004A
Mathematics Seminar
Students are required to present two one-hour seminars under faculty supervision and to attend other students' presentations. Written reports on the seminars are also required. The topics can be chosen from any field of mathematics but must be distinct from the material of the student's coursework, thesis or survey paper.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/math 6004M
Mathematics Seminar
Students are required to present two one-hour seminars under faculty supervision and to attend other students' presentations. Written reports on the seminars are also required. The topics can be chosen from any field of mathematics but must be distinct from the material of the student's coursework, thesis or survey paper.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/math 6004M
Mathematics Seminar
Students are required to present two one-hour seminars under faculty supervision and to attend other students' presentations. Written reports on the seminars are also required. The topics can be chosen from any field of mathematics but must be distinct from the material of the student's coursework, thesis or survey paper.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/math 6121A
Applied Algebra
Group theory and representation theory, preliminary notions in ring (Euclidian domain, principal ideal domain and polynomial rings), Grobner bases with some emphasis on algorithmic aspects and computational geometry, modules over a PID (linear algebra). Prerequisite: equivalent of undergraduate second-year linear algebra and some basic notions in algebra (group, ring), or permission of the Instructor.
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6122M
Algebra II
Introduction to category theory, additional ring and module theory, introduction to algebraic geometry, field theory and Galois theorems. Prerequisite: GS/MATH 6121 3.00 or permission of the Instructor.
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): P. Ingram
gs/math 6122M
Algebra II
Introduction to category theory, additional ring and module theory, introduction to algebraic geometry, field theory and Galois theorems. Prerequisite: GS/MATH 6121 3.00 or permission of the Instructor.
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6280A
Measure Theory
s-algebras, generating classes, finite and s-finite measures on general spaces, constructing measures from outer measures, Caratheodory extension theorem, Jordan decomposition into variations. Hahn decomposition, measurable functions, Lusin's theorem, Lebesgue integral on general spaces, convergence theorems in an abstract setting, Radon-Nikodym theorem, Riesz representation theorem, Maharam's classification of measure algebras, product spaces, Fubini's theorem, non-measurable sets, Lebesgue density theorem.
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6280M
Measure Theory
s-algebras, generating classes, finite and s-finite measures on general spaces, constructing measures from outer measures, Caratheodory extension theorem, Jordan decomposition into variations. Hahn decomposition, measurable functions, Lusin's theorem, Lebesgue integral on general spaces, convergence theorems in an abstract setting, Radon-Nikodym theorem, Riesz representation theorem, Maharam's classification of measure algebras, product spaces, Fubini's theorem, non-measurable sets, Lebesgue density theorem.
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): P. Skoufranis
gs/math 6300A
Complex Analysis
Complex differentiation and integration; Cauchy's integral formula; Taylor series; the residue theorem; Rouche's theorem; the Riemann mapping theorem, conformal mappings, harmonic functions and boundary value problems, Schwarz's reflection principle, infinite products and Mittag-Leffler expansions.
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): A. Kuznetsov
gs/math 6340M
Ordinary Differential Equations
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6340M
Ordinary Differential Equations
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): H. Zhu
gs/math 6350A
Partial Differential Equations
Fourier transforms, homogeneous distributions, singular integrals, spherical harmonics, pseudo-differential operators, fundamental solutions and parametrices of partial differential operators.
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6461M
Functional Analysis I
An introduction to Banach and Hilbert spaces together with bounded linear functionals and operators on these spaces. Topics include: the Hahn-Banach theorem, representation of dual spaces, the uniform boundedness principle, the open mapping and closed graph theorems, compact operators.
This course provides students with an introduction to the statistical methods for analyzing sensored data which are common in medical research, industrial life-testing and related fields. Topics include accelerated life models, proportional hazards model, time dependent covariates. Integrated with the undergraduate course Mathematics & Statistics 4130K 3.0. Prerequisites: York undergraduate Mathematics 3033 3.0 and 3132 3.0 or equivalents, or permission of the instructor.
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): D. Sharma
gs/math 6642A
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): G. Monette
gs/math 6644M
Statistical Learning
Offers a comprehensive introduction to statistical learning theory including most widely used methods such as classification trees, support vector machine and model averaging. Prerequisites: GS/MATH 6620 3.00 and GS/MATH 6630 3.00 or equivalents or permission of the Instructor.
Provides a rigorous treatment of numerical methods for the solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): M. Couchman
gs/math 6652M
Numerical Solutions to Differential Equations
Provides a rigorous treatment of numerical methods for the solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6655M
Feedback Control Systems
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6910A
Stochastic Calculus In Finance
Probability models and discrete time stochastic processes; Brownian motion; Filtrations, conditional expectations, martingales; Stochastic integrals, Ito's formula; Stochastic differential equations; Diffusions, Kolmogorov equation; Girsanov Formula; Black Scholes.
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6910M
Stochastic Calculus In Finance
Probability models and discrete time stochastic processes; Brownian motion; Filtrations, conditional expectations, martingales; Stochastic integrals, Ito's formula; Stochastic differential equations; Diffusions, Kolmogorov equation; Girsanov Formula; Black Scholes.
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): H. Ku
gs/math 6911M
Numerical Methods in Finance
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations; basic properties of the diffusion equation; Finite difference methods; explicit methods; implicit methods including Crank Nicholson; Free boundary problems; variational inequalities; Lattice Methods.
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): A. Kuznetsov
gs/math 6911M
Numerical Methods in Finance
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations; basic properties of the diffusion equation; Finite difference methods; explicit methods; implicit methods including Crank Nicholson; Free boundary problems; variational inequalities; Lattice Methods.
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6912M
Machine Learning in Finance
This introductory course on machine learning is aimed at graduate students who are going to work with data scientists in the finance industry. The course explains the most popular machine learning algorithms used by data scientists, which enables the students to assess their strength and weakness for a particular application and work productively with data scientists. Algorithms are illustrated with different data sets from the finance industry and others in EXCEL and Python.
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6912M
Machine Learning in Finance
This introductory course on machine learning is aimed at graduate students who are going to work with data scientists in the finance industry. The course explains the most popular machine learning algorithms used by data scientists, which enables the students to assess their strength and weakness for a particular application and work productively with data scientists. Algorithms are illustrated with different data sets from the finance industry and others in EXCEL and Python.
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): H. Zhu
gs/math 6914M
Data-Driven Finance using Python
This graduate course prepares students for today's data-driven finance industry, where the volume and velocity of financial data are the foundation of trading, pricing, forecasting, and risk management. Python is the choice of programming language in this course as it has just emerged as one of the major strategic technology platforms. The course will start with an immerse introduction of Python at a fast speed suitable for graduate students and will spend majority of time on financial data: how to programmatically access, process, analyze, and utilize financial data offline and online.
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6931A
Mathematical Modeling
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6936A
Mathematical Epidemiology
This course will cover the basic tools required to critically read modelling papers and to develop and use models as research tools. Models of infectious disease; threshold conditions for epidemic outbreaks, the basic reproductive rate of a disease; vaccination strategies to control infection. Emphasis will be placed on setting up and utilizing mathematical models to understand infectious disease processes and to evaluate potential control strategies. This course will provide an opportunity for students who are interested in using mathematical modelling techniques to study the transmission dynamics of infectious disease on a population level. The course will help to develop modelling, analytical and computational expertise in both continuous time and discrete time dynamical models for the study of infectious diseases. Prerequisites: Atkinson/Arts/Science Mathematics & Statistics 2270 3.0: Differential equations or equivalent and some numerical skills or equivalent and familiarity with Maple or Matlab or Mathematica
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6936M
Mathematical Epidemiology
This course will cover the basic tools required to critically read modelling papers and to develop and use models as research tools. Models of infectious disease; threshold conditions for epidemic outbreaks, the basic reproductive rate of a disease; vaccination strategies to control infection. Emphasis will be placed on setting up and utilizing mathematical models to understand infectious disease processes and to evaluate potential control strategies. This course will provide an opportunity for students who are interested in using mathematical modelling techniques to study the transmission dynamics of infectious disease on a population level. The course will help to develop modelling, analytical and computational expertise in both continuous time and discrete time dynamical models for the study of infectious diseases. Prerequisites: Atkinson/Arts/Science Mathematics & Statistics 2270 3.0: Differential equations or equivalent and some numerical skills or equivalent and familiarity with Maple or Matlab or Mathematica
Instructional Format: LECT
gs/math 6937A
Practicum in Industrial & Applied Mathematics
Instructional Format: LECT
Instructor(s): S. Moghadas
gs/math 6940A
Perturbation Methods
This course introduces perturbative methods as techniques for finding approximate solutions to mathematical problems. The course begins with approximating roots to polynomials before exploring applications in linear algebra, integrals, and differential equations. This course is integrated with MATH 4940. Prerequisites: Students should have familiarity with calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations.
Instructional Format: LECT
Learn More
The Graduate Program in Mathematics and Statistics at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.