For more information on our course offerings, please go to York Course Website.
Calendar Year
Course #
Course Title
gs/musi 5005A
Seminar in Composition II
Approaches to, and techniques of, music composition which support the individual in developing methods of craft and creativity; a continuation of GS/MUSI 5005A 3.0. Pre-requisite: GS/MUSI 5005A 3.0.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Instructor(s): R. Peters
gs/musi 5006A
Private Lessons in Composition II
Instructional Format: PERF
gs/musi 5006M
Private Lessons in Composition II
Instructional Format: PERF
gs/musi 5010A
Problems & Methods Of Musical Research
An examination of different methods and theoretical frameworks for musical research, through intensive, critical studies of existing literature and a number of small research projects. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in music or consent of Instructor.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Instructor(s): S. Johnson
gs/musi 5070A
Interactive Performance and the Electro-Acoustic Orchestra
This course engages an active Electro-Acoustic performing ensemble as a site for composing interactive performance systems that may be purely digital, hybrid electronic/acoustic, or may manifest across multiple media including spatialized light, sound, haptics and projected visuals. Students develop and perform with an interactive system, iteratively refining this over the course of the term. This 'digital instrumental system' is tested weekly in a performative context defined by rehearsals of the Electro-Acoustic Orchestra. Design and composition of instrumental systems centre around performer or conductor gestures via sensing and new controllers, or around sounds generated by ensemble members. Topics explored include movement and gesture in electroacoustic music, sound analysis and processing, digital instrument design, and the aesthetics of interactive music/media performance practice. Interactive performance systems from the course will be presented in public concerts each term, both on York campus as well as at venues in downtown Toronto. Cross-listed with GS/DIGM 5070 3.0.
Instructional Format: STDO
Instructor(s): D. Van Nort
gs/musi 5200M
Transcultural Jazz: Studies and Performance
Explores the study and performance of transcultural jazz as a practice rooted in the blending of musical influences from multiple cultural traditions. Builds on jazz as an African-American music while situating it as an agent for cultural hybridity in various national and transnational contexts. Employs a collaborative approach to musicmaking across styles and cultures in an integrated approach that combines performance, listening and analysis of transcultural jazz repertoire with critical engagement of scholarly texts. Welcomes students who do not have previous experience in jazz studies. Integrated with FA/MUSI 4360 3.0.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Instructor(s): N. Lemish
gs/musi 5202M
Gospel Music History and Repertoire
An in-depth examination of pivotal gospel songwriters and their compositions and a listening/performance component through which students will learn and perform gospel music repertoire beginning from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. Performance practices, techniques and methodology for teaching in academic settings will also be examined. Pre-Requisites include FA/MUSI 3556 or FA/MUSI 4556 and FA/MUSI 3406 or permission of course instructor.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Instructor(s): M. Davis
gs/musi 5410A
Performance Option
This course involves performance study, generally in a cross-cultural context, with a view to exploring such issues in cross-cultural learning as the relationship between the performance of music and the intellectual discourse about it. Central to the course is an academic component about issues which emerge in a set of field notes about the lessons. By permission of the Graduate Executive Committee.
Instructional Format: PERF
gs/musi 5410M
Performance Option
This course involves performance study, generally in a cross-cultural context, with a view to exploring such issues in cross-cultural learning as the relationship between the performance of music and the intellectual discourse about it. Central to the course is an academic component about issues which emerge in a set of field notes about the lessons. By permission of the Graduate Executive Committee.
Instructional Format: PERF
gs/musi 5500A
Performance Studio
Individual coaching and training in music performance emphasising both theoretical and practical aspects.
Instructional Format: PERF
gs/musi 5500M
Performance Studio
Individual coaching and training in music performance emphasising both theoretical and practical aspects.
Instructional Format: PERF
gs/musi 5550A
This course requires the student to plan, prepare, produce and perform an advanced, full-length, professional-quality recital. Students work in close conjunction with a primary supervisor and a secondary advisor functions in a support and consultative role.
Instructional Format: PERF
gs/musi 5550M
This course requires the student to plan, prepare, produce and perform an advanced, full-length, professional-quality recital. Students work in close conjunction with a primary supervisor and a secondary advisor functions in a support and consultative role.
Instructional Format: PERF
gs/musi 5551A
Practical experience in ensemble performance emphasising the development of collaborative music creation at a professional level.
Instructional Format: PERF
gs/musi 5551M
Practical experience in ensemble performance emphasising the development of collaborative music creation at a professional level.
Instructional Format: PERF
gs/musi 6510A
Directed Reading
Independent study and research under the guidance of a faculty member in the Graduate Program in Ethnomusicology & Musicology. Aspirants must first submit a course proposal with working bibliography discography and/or filmography (as appropriate) and outline of papers or other assignments to be completed. The proposal will normally demonstrate that skills and or knowledge to be acquired in the course are germane to an approved Ph.D. dissertation, Master's thesis or major research paper. Prerequisite: Permission of the Graduate Executive Committee. Note: Normally Directed Reading courses are not open to first-year M.A. students.
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/musi 6510M
Directed Reading
Independent study and research under the guidance of a faculty member in the Graduate Program in Ethnomusicology & Musicology. Aspirants must first submit a course proposal with working bibliography discography and/or filmography (as appropriate) and outline of papers or other assignments to be completed. The proposal will normally demonstrate that skills and or knowledge to be acquired in the course are germane to an approved Ph.D. dissertation, Master's thesis or major research paper. Prerequisite: Permission of the Graduate Executive Committee. Note: Normally Directed Reading courses are not open to first-year M.A. students.
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/musi 6520A
Directed Reading
Independent study and research under the guidance of a faculty member in the Graduate Program in Ethnomusicology & Musicology. Aspirants must first submit a course proposal with working bibliography, discography and/or filmography (as appropriate) and outline of papers or other assignments to be completed. The proposal will normally demonstrate that skills and/or knowledge to be acquired in the course are germane to an approved PhD dissertation, Master's thesis or major research paper. Prerequisite: Permission of the Graduate Executive Committee. Note: Normally Directed Reading courses are not open to first-year M.A. students.
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/musi 6520M
Directed Reading
Independent study and research under the guidance of a faculty member in the Graduate Program in Ethnomusicology & Musicology. Aspirants must first submit a course proposal with working bibliography, discography and/or filmography (as appropriate) and outline of papers or other assignments to be completed. The proposal will normally demonstrate that skills and/or knowledge to be acquired in the course are germane to an approved PhD dissertation, Master's thesis or major research paper. Prerequisite: Permission of the Graduate Executive Committee. Note: Normally Directed Reading courses are not open to first-year M.A. students.
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/musi 6530A
Directed Reading
Independent study and research under the guidance of a faculty member in the Graduate Program in Ethnomusicology & Musicology. Aspirants must first submit a course proposal with working bibliography, discography and/or filmography (as appropriate) and outline of papers or other assignments to be completed. The proposal will normally demonstrate that skills and/or knowledge to be acquired in the course are germane to an approved PhD dissertation, Master's thesis or major research paper. Prerequisite: Permission of the Graduate Executive Committee. Note: Normally Directed Reading courses are not open to first-year MA students.
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/musi 6530M
Directed Reading
Independent study and research under the guidance of a faculty member in the Graduate Program in Ethnomusicology & Musicology. Aspirants must first submit a course proposal with working bibliography, discography and/or filmography (as appropriate) and outline of papers or other assignments to be completed. The proposal will normally demonstrate that skills and/or knowledge to be acquired in the course are germane to an approved PhD dissertation, Master's thesis or major research paper. Prerequisite: Permission of the Graduate Executive Committee. Note: Normally Directed Reading courses are not open to first-year MA students.
Instructional Format: DIRD
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The Graduate Program in Music at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.