The Graduate Program in Music offers MA and PhD degrees. The program’s faculty members include ethnomusicologists, music historians, music theorists, performers and composers, all of whom teach in their specialized areas of research and share a concern for the critical study of methodologies and procedures in music scholarship and composition.
Some common areas of student interest within the program include jazz, popular music, sacred music, concert repertoires, pedagogy, performance studies, urban music, composition, western art music, commercial music, recording industry, choral music, ethnography, theory, analysis, in addition to folk, country, and world music.
Professors and staff of York University's graduate program in Music
The program offers courses and research opportunities in ethnomusicology, musicology and composition, giving particular but not exclusive emphasis to North American music, including jazz and urban popular music, religious music, concert and folk music in rural and urban localities. Recognition is given to the multiple cultures that coexist in twentieth ant twenty-first-century society, and to the many contexts and issues which shape musical expression. Members of the program are concerned with the scholarly study of composition and improvisation, with aural cognition, mediation and reception as well as with cultural studies and criticism.
The program also participates in a three-year program leading to a double degree (MA and MBA) in Music and Business Administration/Arts Administration. Please see the MBA/MFA/MA section of our website for more information.
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The Graduate Program in Music at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.