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Director’s Message

Welcome to the Graduate Program in Nursing!

On behalf of the faculty and staff of York’s Graduate Program in Nursing, a warm welcome to our graduate students! We are delighted that you have chosen our program. This is a very exciting time as you embark on a new chapter in your nursing career. It is a significant opportunity for you to experience the joy that comes from immersing yourself in challenging – but rewarding – academic pursuits. Yes—it will be demanding, but we have selected you because we believe you have the ability to succeed.

We have three graduate programs in Nursing. Our Master of Science in Nursing (MScN) was approved by York’s Senate and the Ontario Council of Graduate Studies (OCGS) to admit our first students in May 2005. Our MScN-PHCNP (Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner) field was approved to admit students beginning in September 2007, with York as one of nine sites within the Ontario PHCNP Program. Most recently, we welcomed the first intake of students into our Nursing PhD Program in September 2018. Our Graduate Program resides within the School of Nursing, and the Faculty of Health. We also follow the Faculty of Graduate Studies policies and practices when it comes to our curriculum and other academic matters.

The graduates from our program engage in knowledge generation and creative expressions of scholarship, critical analysis of theory/literature and experience, leadership in advanced nursing practice, reflective and transformative practice, and evaluation of outcomes within a philosophy consistent with social responsiveness. Our graduates develop the skills to understand and critique the broad contexts (social, cultural, and political) in which individual, group, community, and global health are lived, and understand the importance of challenging systemic values, assumptions, and structures that limit possibilities for human health and healing. Our graduates develop, apply, and critique knowledge, and advance excellence in caring-healing modalities, as well as holistic and integrative practices, within nursing.

Providing an environment in which you can excel in the fulfillment of these goals and objectives is the priority for our program. This begins with our mandatory orientation, which introduces you to important details about the program. It also provides an opportunity to meet and begin to get to know the faculty members and colleagues with whom you will share this journey. As Graduate Program Director, I am very keen to support your progress, as is our Graduate Program Assistant, Aqleema Khan, and the other graduate faculty members and staff. We are delighted you have chosen York University’s Graduate Program in Nursing! We look forward to meeting and working with you.

Warmest regards,

Christine Kurtz Landy
Graduate Program Director

A photo of Professor Christine Kurtz Landy

A photo of Professor Christine Kurtz Landy

Learn More

The Graduate Program in Nursing at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.