York’s unique Master of Science in Nursing (MScN) program answers a growing demand for healthcare services that focus on respecting patients' values and choices about health and quality of life. We believe it is important to challenge systemic values, assumptions, and structures that limit possibilities for human health and healing. MScN teaches its students to develop and critique knowledge, participate in critical analysis and become leaders in their field. The program can be completed on a Full-time or Part-time basis and offers theses or course based options.
Nursing from a Broader Perspective
York's MScN program makes a distinct departure from conventional nursing curricula. The program sees nursing as the knowledge and practice of human caring. We believe that:
Health and healing are unique expressions of harmony and wholeness within and between human beings and the world, which is created through intentional caring-healing relationships between nurses and people
All people have the capacity and right to make choices about their ways of living and their health
Nursing education should focus on the creative, integrative and expressive forms of caring-healing enacted in nursing practice
Nurses have a professional and ethical responsibility to influence, advocate and support healthy public policy and progressive institutional practices
Program Statement
The MScN program’s mission is built upon three foci: advanced practice, teaching-learning, and leadership. As a community of teachers and learners, we constantly strive to improve the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities through excellence in research and teaching. We believe in education that is accessible, progressive and offered in different formats, which prepares our students to achieve professional and scholarly excellence. We value the contributions of students and teachers who bring their experience, knowledge and skills to the development and practice of nursing. We educate toward professional leadership and innovation, which includes taking risks and following one’s beliefs within a moral, legal and ethical framework.
Learn More
The Graduate Program in Nursing at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.