How to Seek a Postdoctoral Fellow position at York
Any individual interested in becoming a Postdoctoral Fellow at York is responsible for taking the required first step of securing the support of at least one prospective supervisor who is a York faculty member. Requests and/or proposals for this support must be made directly by the prospective Fellow to the prospective supervisor.
To find and contact a prospective supervisor, the potential postdoctoral fellow is advised to:
- Visit the websites of the Faculties, departments and units of interest to them to see if there are any postdoctoral opportunities available;
- Browse the Research Chairs section of the York Research website;
- Review faculty member profiles:
- Every department at York has a website which can be found online by clicking on the relevant Faculty;
- Each departmental page has an online list of faculty members and their research topics.
- Once a potentially compatible faculty member is identified, requests and/or proposals for a postdoctoral supervisory relationship can be made directly to the specific faculty member(s);
- It is also recommended that interested applicants review the available external funding opportunities, in tandem with a search for a prospective supervisor, to become aware of potential funding sources which they may use to fund their research at York.