The clinical neuropsychology specialty stream provides courses and training opportunities for graduate students planning to seek registration with The College of Psychologists of Ontario and wishing to provide clinical neuropsychological services.
The Clinical Neuropsychology Stream is part of the Clinical and Clinical-Developmental Psychology areas (students MUST be admitted to either the Clinical or Clinical-Developmental areas before joining the Clinical Neuropsychology Stream).
Students in this stream receive a strong foundation in Clinical or Clinical-Developmental Psychology, depending upon the area in which they are enrolled. In addition, students are required to take courses in neuropsychology and obtain practicum training at sites providing neuropsychological services.

- It provides one of the only opportunities in Canada to be enrolled in a program that provides a linked set of courses and training for students seeking clinical neuropsychological training.
- It has one of the largest groups of clinical neuropsychologists in a psychology department in Canada. Faculty have a wide range of interests, work with a variety of patient groups, and have expertise in a diverse range of research methodologies.
- We are developing clinical neuropsychological training opportunities at the York University Psychology Clinic, an on-site facility that offers a range of psychological services.
- Graduate students in the clinical neuropsychology stream take the core courses required by their home area (Clinical or Clinical-Developmental) and thereby gain excellent clinical training from one of the strongest groups in Canada.
- York has recently developed a top-notch fMRI facility available for use by our faculty.
- Students in this specialty stream attend Clinical Neuropsychology Rounds in which prominent clinical neuropsychologists and other investigators give informative talks on topics of interest to clinical neuropsychologists.
- Our location in the Toronto area provides students access to a diverse range of opportunities at hospitals, rehabilitation settings, and research institutes.
- Application to the clinical neuropsychology specialty stream is completed concurrently or after admission to either the Clinical or Clinical-Developmental area.
- A clinical neuropsychologist is a professional within the field of psychology with special expertise in the applied science of brain-behavior relationships. Clinical neuropsychologists use this knowledge in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and/or rehabilitation of patients across the lifespan with neurological, medical, neurodevelopmental and psychiatric conditions, as well as other cognitive and learning disorders.
- The clinical neuropsychologist uses psychological, neurological, cognitive, behavioral, and physiological principles, techniques and tests to evaluate patients' neurocognitive, behavioral, and emotional strengths and weaknesses and their relationship to normal and abnormal central nervous system functioning.
- The specialty of clinical neuropsychology is recognized by the Canadian Psychological Association. Clinical neuropsychologists are independent practitioners (healthcare providers) of clinical neuropsychology and psychology. Our training is in line with the Houston Conference Guidelines for Specialty Training in Clinical Neuropsychology. neuropsychology and psychology.
New applicants must apply to either the Clinical or Clinical-Development programs and indicate their interest in the Clinical Neuropsychology Stream. Admission to the stream is dependent on admission to one of the Clinical areas. For admissions queries, please email To apply online, please visit How to Apply.
The Graduate Program in Neuropsychology (Adult Clinical) received accreditation by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) for the period of 2016-2019. The Graduate Program in Neuropsychology (Clinical-Developmental) received accreditation for the period of 2017-2022. Note that the American Psychological Association does not offer accreditation for any psychology programs in Canada.
In 2017, the Clinical Neuropsychology faculty voted to merge the Clinical and Clinical-Developmental Neuropsychology streams into a single stream, while preserving the specialized training of the host programs. The merged Clinical Neuropsychology stream applied for accreditation in fall of 2019.
If you have any questions about the accreditation status of the programs, please contact the Clinical Neuropsychology Program Coordinator Dr. Mary Desrocher
Dr. Stewart Madon
Registrar, Accreditation Panel
Canadian Psychological Association, Accreditation Office
141 Laurier Ave. W., Suite 702
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J3
Tel: 1-888-472-0657 (ext. 328 for administrative assistant)
Website: Canadian Psychological Association
Overall Goal of the Programme: To educate scientist-practitioners in clinical neuropsychology
Specific Goal | 1. To ensure that students have essential knowledge and skills for clinical neuropsychology practice. |
Objectives | 1.1. Knowledge of human neuroanatomy, neuropsychology and neurology. 1.2. Knowledge of principles of neuropsychological assessment and intervention. |
Competencies Expected (i.e., skills, attitudes, knowledge) | 1.1.1 Ability to apply knowledge of brain and behaviour to clinical cases. 1.2.1 Skill and expertise in the administration and interpretation of neuropsychological assessment techniques and in the formulation and of rehabilitation interventions. 1.2.2 Ability to communicate neuropsychological findings and formulations orally and in writing. |
Means Used to Assess Outcomes & Minimum Achievements Expected | Evaluation component(s) of individual courses and evaluation of performance on practica and internship. |
Additional Comments | Training activities are designed to provide students with theoretical and practice-related neuropsychological knowledge and skills applicable to clinical cases and disorders. |
Specific Goal | 2. To ensure that students achieve excellence in the science of clinical neuropsychology. |
Objective | 2.1. Students contribute to the scientific literature and knowledge base in fields related to clinical neuropsychology. |
Competencies Expected (i.e., skills, attitudes, knowledge) | 2.1.1. Ability to design and carry out research on issues relevant to clinical neuropsychology. 2.1.2. Writing scientific papers for publication. 2.1.3. Preparing research material for visual and oral presentation to the scientific community. |
Means Used to Assess Outcomes & Minimum Achievements Expected | Research practicum course grade. MA thesis related to neuropsychology. MA Oral exam pass within 24 months of program entry. PhD dissertation related to neuropsychology PhD Oral exam pass. Publications and presentations reported in annual student reports and CVs. |
Additional Comments | See also statistics and research design requirements of the Clinical and Clinical-Developmental programs. |
Please see the Clinical and Clinical-Developmental pages for requirements as well as the requirements listed below.
Merged Clinical Neuropsychology Program (Revised 2018)
- Completion of Clinical Psychology (Adult) OR Clinical-Developmental Psychology Program.
- Psyc6325 3.0 Clinical Neuroanatomy.
- Psyc6320 3.0 Human Neuropsychology: History and Syndromes.
- Psyc6450 3.0 Principles of Neuropsychological Assessment OR Psyc6945 3.0 Applied Paediatric Neuropsychology.
- Psyc6330 3.0 Cognitive Neurorehabilitation.
- Supervised assessment case (junior) at York University Psychology Clinic.
- External practicum in supervised neuropsychological assessment.
- Supervised assessment case (senior) at York University Psychology Clinic.
- CPA-accredited internship with specialty rotation in clinical neuropsychology.
- Attendance at Clinical Neuropsychology Rounds.
- A Master's Thesis and/or Academic Breadth Comprehensive (ABC) paper related to neuropsychology.
- Doctoral dissertation on topic relevant to clinical neuropsychology.
Core Knowledge: Neurosciences & Basic Human and Animal Neuropsychology
Core Area (CPA) | Course | Description |
Neuroanatomy | PSYC 6325 3.0: Required | Clinical Neuroanatomy. This course provides students with knowledge of the structures and pathways in the human central nervous system, and an understanding of their functions. |
Human Neuropsychology | PSYC 6320 3.0: Required | Human Neuropsychology: History and Syndromes. This course provides a foundation in the basic topics and theoretical underpinnings of human neuropsychology through a historical overview of the clinical-pathological method. Extensive readings include classic papers spanning the earliest descriptions of various brain disorders to current reviews of major neuropsychology syndromes. |
Cognitive Rehabilitation | PSYC 6330 3.0: Required as of 2019 | Cognitive Neurorehabilitation. This course introduces students to current topics in cognitive neurorehabilitation with a view to translating intervention research into novel, brain-based approaches to the treatment of cognitive decline. |
Assessment | PSYC 6450 3.0: Required for Clinical Students Only | Principles of Neuropsychological Assessment. This course addresses a number of topics in the practice of clinical neuropsychological assessment. Data derived from various sources including clinical interviews, neurological histories, as well as data from various neuropsychological measures, is interpreted and integrated within the framework of individual case studies. Specific topics include evaluation of head injury, dementia, amnesias, and approaches to rehabilitation and intervention. |
PSYC 6945 3.0: Required for Clinical Developmental Students Only | Applied Pediatric Neuropsychology. This course will addresses a number of topics in the practice of clinical pediatric neuropsychology. Data derived from various sources including clinical interviews, neurological histories, as well as data from various neuropsychological measures, is interpreted and integrated within the framework of individual case studies. Specific topics include evaluation of childhood head injury, neurological disease, and learning disabilities. | |
Clinical Practica: Assessment/Intervention | PSYC 6440P 6.0: Required for Clinical Students Only | Clinical Practicum II. In this course, students secure an external pracitum placement and receive training in neuropsychological assessment and/or intervention. |
PSYC 6460P 6.0 | Clinical Practicum III (Optional). This practicum provides extra clinical training that the student and the Director of Clinical Training deem necessary for the student to meet training requirements, such as assuring that the student has sufficient training in both assessment and intervention skills. | |
PSYC 6910P 6.0 or PSYC 6460P 6.0: Required for Clinical-Developmental Students Only | Introduction to the Psychological Assessment of Children Practicum. This course provides students with 330 hours of practicum training in psychological assessment. Placement in an applied setting is arranged. Regular class meetings with the course instructor provide monitoring of student progress this could be in a neuropsychological setting. | |
PSYC 6840 6.0 | A one-year full–time clinical internship of 1800 hours (or 900 hours per year over two years) with a major rotation in neuropsychology. | |
Dissertation (No course number) | Clinical neuropsychology students must complete their dissertation on a topic within the field of neuropsychology. |
The neuropsychology specialty stream organizes monthly Clinical Neuropsychology Rounds in which prominent clinical neuropsychologists and other investigators give informative talks on topics of interest to clinical neuropsychologists.
Recordings of the rounds can be found on the Clinical Neuropsychology Rounds website, which is password-protected (use your PPY). If you are accessing this website off-campus, you must first download and install Juno Pulse client for secure remote access.
ANST is the trainee organization of the Society for Clinical Neuropsychology, Division 40 of APA. It is the largest trainee, division-based organization of APA, with more than 40 groups at various graduate institutions across North America. York University’s ANST Interest Group strives to create a centralized networking platform for trainees to cultivate new connections and stay attuned to new developments in neuropsychology.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact York University's ANST Interest Group Representatives (Bri Darboh & Karin Kantarovich) at

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The Graduate Program in Psychology at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.