Master of Arts (MA), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
The Socio-Legal Studies program builds upon the strengths of the Law and Society and Criminology programs and their traditions of critical, interdisciplinary research. The program aims to create an inclusive, student-centered environment that enables MA and Ph.D. students to pursue their research interests in a community of like-minded scholars. Our program consists of scholars drawn from law and society, criminology, political science, sociology, psychology, history, communication studies, women's studies, and law. Many of our graduates find careers in the social service, private, legal, government, and academic sectors.
Become A Leader In
International / domestic
human and indigenous rights
Socio-historical approaches to law
Transnational policing and Immigration / border security
Global financial crime
Gender, race, sexuality and the law
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My graduate experience in the Socio-Legal Studies program has been a rigorous academic journey which has deepened my understanding of the relationship between law, criminology, society, and justice. Earning a Master of Arts at York University entails participation in an environment that ensures independent growth and a collaborative experience with fellow scholars and supportive classmates.
— Natalie De Luca
MA student in Socio-Legal Studies, 2021–2022

Learn More
The Graduate Program in Socio-Legal Studies at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.