The doctoral program involves training in theory and methods and an intensive fieldwork component. Graduates are prepared for careers in teaching, research or as anthropologists employed in the public or private sector.
Graduates are expected to have acquired autonomy in conducting in-depth, full-scale field research projects. They are expected to be able to analyse data, write, revise and publish scholarly manuscripts. These objectives are achieved beginning with a first year of formal course work that includes the possibility of internships as well as directed reading courses. The second year of the program is geared towards developing intellectual independence and a comprehensive understanding of theory, method and area, in preparation for the degree requirements of two comprehensive examinations and a research proposal. In the 3rd year of the program, students conduct independent field research in diverse social and cultural settings and locales. Field sites range widely both spatially and temporally and in terms of conceptual approach, including archival and digital sites. The final phase of the program involves writing the dissertation culminating in an oral defense.
All doctoral students are encouraged to gain experience as teaching and/or research assistants and to take advantage of the teaching practicum offered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, as well as workshops offered at the Centre for the Support of Teaching.

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The Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.