Welcome to the MSW Practicum! The practicum is a degree requirement of the Master of Social Work program. Our practicum requirements are based on the accreditation standards set out by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE).
The Field Education Office works closely with hundreds of community partners to secure the best possible practicum opportunities for students each academic year. There is a wide variety of practicum opportunities ranging from of micro to macro settings, including: policy and research, community development and outreach, and direct practice.
The Field Education Team looks forward to working with you during this very exciting chapter of your social work education experience.
The following page will walk you through the process of getting ready for your practicum.
Preparing for Practicum:
(Click on any of these options to jump down the page.)
Let's get started!
MSW Full-time Placement
Full-time MSW students have a BSW degree and complete the program in 3 terms. Social Work 5150 3.0 Critical Perspectives in Social Work must be taken prior to the start of the placement.
MSW Part-time Placement
Part-time MSW students have a BSW degree beforehand and complete the program in 6 terms. Social Work 5150 3.0 Critical Perspectives in Social Work must be taken prior to the start of the placement.
MSW 2 Year Field Placement
MSW 2-year students have a bachelor degree (not in social work) upon entry into the MSW program.
Mandatory Orientations
Applying for Practicum Orientation
A mandatory Applying for Placement Orientation Session provides an outline of the placement process, the responsibilities of the placement student and the Field Office. The online database and placement application are also reviewed.
Upcoming Events
MSW Part Time Applying for Placement (Sep 2024) Orientation
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm (via ZOOM)
MSW Advanced Standing Full Time Beginning Placement (Jan 2024) Orientation
Monday, January 8, 2024
9:30 am - 11:30 am (via ZOOM)
MSW Year 1 Beginning Placement (for Jan 2024 placement) & Applying for Yr 2 Placement Orientation
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
9:30 am - 11:30 am (via ZOOM)
Ready to Apply?
You can apply for practicum through Experience York.
Beginning Practicum Orientation
Once students are placed, they are required to attend the mandatory Beginning Practicum Orientation. This orientation offers information about the necessary documentation required for placement and the responsibilities of the student, Field Instructor, and Faculty Advisor.
Work Placements
A student can request to complete their practicum at their place of work. Students must complete and submit to the Field Education Coordinator a Work Place Practicum Proposal in addition to the on-line placement application by the specified deadline.
Please note that a work placement is not guaranteed. Certain criteria must be met and work-placement proposals are subject to approval by the Field Education Manager. Please refer to the practicum manual and contact the Field Education Coordinator for more information.
Integrative Seminars
Students will be assigned a Faculty Advisor who will lead four Integrative Seminars throughout the placement. These seminars provide a forum for students to share practicum experiences and further reflect and integrate theory with practice. Seminars are mandatory and CANNOT BE included in placement hours.
Contact the Field Education Office
If you have any questions about practicum please contact a Field Education Office staff member.
Partiban Giritharan
Field Education Manager
Saran Archer
Field Education Coordinator
Ext. 66320
Sahana Karunakaran
Field Education Coordinator
Ext. 33354
Esther Ng
Field Education Program Assistant
Ext. 20662
Learn More
The Graduate Program in Social Work at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Engagement Coordinator for information.