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Our Alumni

Learn about what others have chosen to study and do through this innovative program.

Kelly Fritsch

Kelly Fritsch is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and Director of the Disability Justice and Crip Culture Collaboratory at Carleton University, unceded Algonquin territory (Ottawa).

Robyn Lee

Robyn Lee is an Assistant Professor of Social Theory in the Sociology department at University of Alberta. She uses contemporary social theory to explore subjectivity, embodiment, and gender.

Carolyne Topdjian

Carolyne Topdjian is an artist, writer, and educator whose work explores existential issues of aesthetics, consciousness, and identity.

Alumni List

Barfoot, CatherineFree Learning In Ontario2017
Lachowicz, PeterAn Existenital Investigation into the Powerful Uncertainty of Death and the resulting Gap that occurs between Phenomenal entities and their Apparent/Semblant counterpart in the interdependent relation of In-person Interaction and Digital Messaging: the Battle between Dasein either Being-with other Daseins or Being-Alongside-the-Other2017
Kunze, MichaelPlay and the Revolution of Everyday Life2017
Brownrigg, ErikTracing Ethics: Derrida2017
Lu, JunPreliminary Thinking:
The Cultural Revolution as a Defense Against Persecutory Anxiety
Mastrocola, ChristopherMarcuse on Primary Narcissism: A Reinterpretation2016
Khan, SadiaAdam Smith at the Margins
The Colonial Question in the Wealth of Nations
Nusbaum, JordanThe Way Through Nietzsche's Garden2016
Correia, TylerComing to Terms with Modernity:
The Possibility of Politics in the Works of Arendt and Rawls
Friesen, RachelleMaking Life Permanently Temporary: An Analysis of Settler Colonialism in Jerusalem2016
Serykh, DaryaGay Liberation Versus Soviet Oppression: Constructing and Regulating U.S. Homonational Identity during the Cold War2015
Niloofar, GolkarRethinking the Center
Critique of the Theory of the Primitive Accumulation and the Situation of the Temporary Working Women in Ontario
Duncan, MaijaPolitics and the Myth of Sovereignty:
Affects of Nationalism and Protest in the 2012 Quebec Spring
Leal, SeverinBuilding Knowledges of Love and Sex: A Review of Monogamy and Sex Work Literature2015
Behnam, AminiState Power and Class Power in the Post–Revolutionary Iranian State2015
Placzek, Richard"Melodramatic State Terror"2015
O'Callaghan, ConnorPoverty as State Violence2014
Abdul Hamid Khan, SalmaanReflections on Orthodox Marxism2014
Bannis, AlbertThe Socio-economic, Cultural and Political impact of Cell Phone Technology due to the Deregulation in Dominica2013
Alamdar, NegarOntologizing Ideologies of Neoliberalism and the resistance of Transcending Identities2012
Rodriguez, J. SantiagoThe Significance of Social Imaginaries: Reading Cornelius Castoriadis and Benedict Anderson2012
Anna McIntoshFoundations for an Inclusive Approach to the Study of Psychology in an Interconnected World2012
Yasar BukanTheory of State Relations in Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy2012
Kerpel, MarkHistorical Specificity in the Thought of Karl Marx2012
Dwyer, AshedaThe politics of chanting down Babylon: Re-reading the 1960 reports on the Rastafar-I of Kingston, Jamaica2011
Malcolm, CristopherThe Whole is False: Adorno's Negative Materialism2011
Sarkeesian, Anita"I'll make a man out of you": Strong women in science fiction and fantasy television2010
Adjemian, JonathanFanon: the uses of psychology
Psychiatry, group dynamics and the work of social change
Voegeli, FabianTemporality and Potentiality in Ancient and Modern Techniques of the Self2010
Heer, AmritPostulating Chance in Deleuze2010
Crighton, ClaireTo put it briefly: Freshman composition and the politics of concise writing in modern America2010
Upadhyay, NishantBuilding Consciousness and Redefining Politics: Going beyond class2010
Harman, JasonNothing of Substance: A Spinozist Response to Emmanuel Levinas2009
Selimovic, AdnanPsychopolitics of Childhood: Trauma of Modernity and the Political Prospects of Bosnia Youth2009
Cimino, FrancoRepresentation De-sutured: Between Pathos and Intermittency2009
Araujo, ChristopherThe Phenomenology of Labour: Reason, subjectivity, and freedom in Marx's writings from 1844 to 18672009
Taylor, CayleyReproductive Rights and Legal Reform in Latin America: The Case of Mexico City2009
Miceli, VanessaDispossession as permanent temporariness: a comparative reading of poor laws in early nineteenth century england and refugee rights in the age of neoliberalism2009
Gill, SeanTowards a Post-human Marx: Rethinking Consciousness, Labour, and Human Difference2009
Taylor, CayleyReproductive Rights and Legal Reform in Latin America: The Case of Mexico City2009
Ali, Noaman G.Repeating Anticolonial Nationalism: Mozambique and the Political Economy of Dominance and Hegemony, 1975-20092009
Dang, BaolinhThe Concept of Natural History in Adorno and Marcuse2008
Lafrance, StirlingDirect to Consumer Advertising: How Subjective Governance Serves Capital2008
Erin, GrayGoing Achitextural: Thinking Through Sensation in Gins, Arakwa and Brossard2007
Lee, Andrew MichaelQuerying the conditions for warfare: The political economy of U.S. military spending in 21st century2007
Newson, MichaelRawls' Concept of Political Society, Justice as Fairness and the Problem of Transnationalism2006
Welburn, JudeOn the Image of History in Benjamin's "These"2006
Bisnar, DanielleTrauma, Witness, Testimony: Psychoanalysis and Narratives of Colonial Education2005
Jull, MarkPlato's wish: pleasure, metaphysics and sovereign being2005
Thompson, ShawnThe Subject of Metapsychology: Working Through the Ethics of Desire with Freud and Kierkegaard2005
William, LaneMaking it real: The Subject in Play2004
Gasteiger, TylerA Study of Language and Desire in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit2004
Belmer, StephanieArt and Negative Dialectics In Constellation: Critical Theory and a Dialectical Negation of Identity-Thinking2004
Robertson, TrevorA Poetic Word: Manifestation in High Park2004
Chang-Campbell, GenaRetail Religion? Contesting the Cooptation and Commodification of Candomble in Salvador, Brazil2003
Klement, KristinePsychoanalysis and Performativity: Theorizing Gender and Sexual Identity between the Psyche and the Social2003
Lefebvre, AlexandreLaws of Critique, speculative and ethical2003
Alexander, ClaudiusBad Faith Bad Conscience & Forgetfulness: Three Perspectives on The [Im]-Possibility for Ethical Practice in Contemporary Human Attitude2003
Hilary A., SchuldtThe Uncanny Life of Hope2003
Bociurkiw, MarusyaLucy, and Ellen, Rosanne and Ally: Sexed Bodies and the Construction of Normalcy in Television Comedy1999
Hall, MichealRe-staging Performativity: Authourity and Acknowledgment from Benvensite to Butler1999
Williams, JamesMaurice Merleau-Ponty and the Practice of Policing1997
Cemer, BrettRethinking Revolutionary History: Marxism and Working Class Unification1996
Burman,JennyWaking Dreamscapes: Colonial Nostalgia and ethnographic representation in "North-South" tourism advertising1996
Landolt, PatriciaThe Indian Peasantry of the Western Highlands of Guatemala: Upholding Corporate Community and the Indian Identity1996
Friedman, ElizabethToo Much and Not Enough: the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Art of Ambivalence1996
Goldman, DanielTurning Politics around Theology: Negativity in Benjamin's Critique of Violence1996
Borman, JennyWaking dreamscapes: Colonial nostalgia and ethnographic representation in "North South" tourism and advertising1996
Resendes, LiviaEthical Epistemologies1995
Camfield, DavidTowards a Social History of Foucault's Thought1995
Kiefer, TheresaComputer-Mediated Communication in the Workplace: An Evaluation of the Development of the Subject in the "New" Working Class1995
Hennessy, NiamhDefining Moments: Models of Public Space as Emancipation in Arendt and Habermas1994
Baker, NormaReality as Oxymoron: Contingent Essentialism and Marx's Theory of Social Ontology1994
Druick, ZoeAdorno, Benjamin and the Dialectics of Culture1993
Stolow, JeremyA Critical Report on The Bureaucratization of Multiculturalism1993
Dufresne, ToddReading Towards an Understanding of Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle1992
Ives, PeterGramsci and Feminism: From allusion to alliance1992
Robertson, KathleenUse, Pleasure and Meaning: The Social Practices of Consumption1992
Hiristos, VerikukisToward a Definition of the Proleteriat1992
Ramsay, Christine"Are you really royal or are you a derelict?" Abjection and the passive male hero in the films of David Cronenburg1992
Kulak, AvronPhilosophy, Psychoanalysis and the Necessary Structure of the Interpersonal Origin1991
Kontos, LouieA Theoretical Inquiry into Cybernetics1991
Macintyre, W.A.The Post-Colonial State and the Global Economy: Dependence, Continuity and the Potential for Transformation in the Case of Trinidad-Tobago (1972-1984)1991
Boucock, CaryMichel Foucault and the 'Repressive Hypothesis': A Rejoinder for Herbert Marcuse1991
Welch, ColinAutonomy and Power: the Ethical Theory of Michel Foucault1990
Freedman, BenAlienation, Reification and the Ontology of Social Being1990
Laurie, PeterPower in Development: Rethinking the Critique of Canadian Foreign Aid1989
Fielding, HelenCommunicative Ethics and the Desiring Subject: A Feminist Rethinking of Habermas1989
Colvin, IanAdorno and Humor1989
De Villa, GonzaloColonial Guatemala: Ethnicity and Social Classes, 1524 - 18211988
Cosgrave, JimIntimate Strangers and Anti-Heroes or "Postmodern Aesthetics"/Sociological Poetics": A Dialogical Approach to Understanding Television Discourses1988
Polster, ClaireToward a Decentered Historical Materialism1988
Waldorf, LeeThe Limits of Art: Theodor Adorno's Aesthetic Theory1988
Havers, GrantExistence-Communication and Greek Thought1988
Lo, MarlowAnti-pornography, sex negation and the expansion of state control: A critique of the critiques of pornography1987
Clark, DonaldLanguage, Aesthetics, And Practice: Walter Benjamin and the Crisis of Marxism1987
Shergold, TeresaAn Identity of One's Own: Femininity, Authority and Gender Domination in Critical Theory1987
Davies, PhilipIdea and Information: Phenomenological and Cybernetic Aspects of Talcott Parson's Theory of Action1986
Bondi, LouRousseau and Political Action1986
Colby, MarionWomen and Law In The Third World Strategies for Empowerment1986
Farrell, GildaCuba: The Transition Road Economy and Employment1986
Sorensen, Carol J.Cherchez la femme: Derrida, Irigaray, and the search for the "other woman"1985
Elias, John ManuelPhenomenology of Narrative: Existential Communication as Dialectical Practice1985
Ifeanyi, Enwerem M.Socialist Imperatives In Africa: A Critical Examination1985
Zisman, AlexLa tia Julia y el escribidor and the object of Mario Vargas Llosa's literary creation as a novelist1985
Mortimer, ChristopherAspects of Disarmament1984
Cechmistro-Michie, OlgaRhetorical Strategies in Philosophical Writing1984
Vanderplaats, RobertMarx, Weber and the Interpretation of the Dutch Republic1983
Duncan, Colin A. M.The General Norms Of Economic Life1982

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