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Student Services

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Accessibility services provides individualized academic accommodation planning to students with temporary and permanent disabilities. This could be:

  • A Learning Disability/Disorder;
  • A chronic health or mental health condition;
  • A physical disability or impairment;
  • An Acquired Brain Injury, post-concussive syndrome;
  • A sensory disability or impairment such as blindness or deafness; and
  • A neurodiversity, ADD, ADHD or autism.

Students who require accommodations may request access to multiple resources from interpreters and note-taking services to adaptive equipment labs and study spaces.

Please request a consultation with us for more information.

York University’s Safer Together site provides one-stop access point to all of the University’s safety resources that will help you be informed and take action about your safety.

Resources and services include:

  • goSAFE: a free service that helps community members get safely around campus in the evening;
  • Why Work Alone Program: Run by Security Services to provide check-ins with community members working evenings, weekends or holidays;
  • Security Services' team members: Trained security professionals are available 24/7 to respond to all calls for service on campus;
  • The Office of Emergency Preparedness: Ensures that the university is prepared to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies;
  • Lost and Found services: Available at both the Keele and Glendon campuses.

Please visit Safer Together for more information.

The Centre strives to provide and assure excellence in the fair resolution of human rights-related conflicts and complaints from all members of the York community.

Resources include:

  • Online Harassment Guide for Faculty and Staff
  • Understanding Racism: A Guide for Faculty, Staff and Students
  • REDDI (Rights, equity, diversity, decolonization and inclusion) Workshops
  • The DEDI Self-reflection toolkit

In addition to the resources noted here, please visit Centre for Human Rights for more information.

The Centre's mission is to foster a culture where attitudes and behaviors that perpetuate sexual violence are rejected, survivors are supported, community members are educated and those who commit incidents of sexual violence are held accountable.

The Centre is available to:

  • Facilitate referrals to University resources and community agencies;
  • Coordinate academic/workplace accommodations through respective offices;
  • Coordinate access to emergency housing;
  • Coordinate emergency financial assistance;
  • Coordinate referrals to medical services as well as on and off campus trauma-informed counselling services;
  • Assist with decision-making and navigating University processes;
  • Manage the flow of information among departments or offices where necessary;

It is important to note that individuals do not need to disclose their narratives in order to access support. Please visit The Centre's website for more information.

University Information Technology (UIT) provides students with a range of services to experience innovative learning environments, collaboration and communication within and beyond the classroom.

Services include:

  • Email: All currently active students have a centrally supported email account and are encouraged to use it for all academic communication.
  • eClass: A web-based course management system that allows currently enrolled students to attend online discussions, quizzes, and audio-visual materials for courses at York.
  • Passport York: Authenticates students as current members of the York computing community.
  • Software: All currently active York students have access to a wide variety of discounted software and free downloads.
  • Wireless Access: Connect to the campus wireless network using your Passport York to take advantage of all the University resources available.

Please visit Computing Services for more information.

Our services aim to support and enhance the mental health and well-being of York University graduate students as they pursue their academic careers. Graduate students can request a wellness consultation for help with: Concerns about mental health, balancing life as a graduate student, transitioning to graduate school as well as many other consultation areas. Please visit Graduate Student Wellness Services for more information.

YUGSA Health and Dental Plan

The York University Graduate Students' Association (YUGSA) offers a medical insurance plan designed to be comprehensive and low cost. The plan is offered through the National Student Health Network and is provided by Green Shield Canada. Please visit YUGSA—Health Plan for more information.

CUPE 3903 Extended Health and Benefits

All graduate students, who are members of CUPE 3903 Unit 1 have access to the Sun Life Insurance plan. Additionally, if members are met with health care costs that would cause an undue financial burden and that are not covered by the Sun Life Insurance plan, they can apply to the “Extended Health Benefits Fund.” Please visit CUPE 3903—Extended Health and Benefits for more information.

University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)

UHIP is the University Health Insurance Plan in place for international students who are not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). The UHIP insurer is Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Sun Life). Please visit York International—Health Insurance and Health Care for more information.

Graduate students have access to several health services on campus, from specific care to health strategies that can be used to support academic as well as social experiences.

Graduate Student Wellness Services

Our services aim to support and enhance the mental health and well-being of York University graduate students as they pursue their academic careers. Graduate students can request a wellness consultation for help with: Concerns about mental health, balancing life as a graduate student, transitioning to graduate school as well as many other consultation areas. Please visit Graduate Student Wellness Services for more information.

Student Counselling, Health & Well-being (SCHW)

The primary aim of SCHW is to support students in realizing and developing their personal potential and manage the demands of university life. Services include in-person counselling, support groups, virtual appointments and many other resources.

Please visit Student Counselling, Health & Well-being for more information.

Medical Centre

The Appletree Medical Centre is located in York Lanes and has doctors and nurses on staff to assist with any non-emergency illness. Please visit Appletree Medical Centre for more information.

York Lanes Dental Office

The York Lanes Dental Office is located in York Lanes and provides a full suite of dental services to patients. Please visit York Lanes Dental Office for more information.

Health Education

A professional health educator is available to students for individual information on health-related needs. The health educator can help answer questions or find appropriate resources to get students closer to answers. All services are entirely confidential. Please visit Health Education for more information.

Several campus options, as well as Toronto's many vibrant neighbourhoods and downtown core, help make the graduate student experience a memorable one.

On-Campus Housing

Keele Campus: Graduate students, students with families, and mature undergraduate students (more than 27-years old) have the option of living on-campus in one of York University’s apartments. Please visit Student Housing—York Apartments for more information.

Glendon Campus: Living on-campus puts you at the centre of the Glendon community, providing you with access to residence support services, fitness facilities, and organized social activities. Room types include single room, double room, and semi-private room. Please visit Glendon—Residence for more information.

Off-Campus Housing

From private rooms to detached houses, Toronto has many housing options. In addition to online listings from various third parties, a listing of available off-campus housing for York University students can be found at York Federation of Students—Places 4 Students. This interactive map of Toronto’s neighbourhoods can help you to understand the characteristics of each area.

Experience York is our one-stop-shop for students to apply to a full range of jobs and experiential learning opportunities. Graduate students can conveniently register for programs and activities that support their personal, academic and professional growth and track their skills development.

Resources include:

  • Career Development Tools
  • Events & Workshops
  • Student Appointments
  • Job Postings
  • 1:1 virtual or in-person appointments with CED’s career educators and career counsellors.

For more resources and information, please visit Experience York Job Portal.

The role of the Ombudsperson is to provide an impartial and confidential service to assist current members of York University who have been unable to resolve their concerns about University authorities’ application of York’s policies, procedures and/or practices.

In the course of review, the Ombudsperson may do any or all of the following:

  • Listen and help to analyze the concern;
  • Identify and explain relevant university policies, procedures and practices;
  • Help define and evaluate options and strategies;
  • Help resolve problems informally and expeditiously;
  • Make referrals to other campus and community resources on consent of the parties, mediate conflicts; and
  • On consent of the parties, initiate discussions with other parties involved.

Please visit Ombudsperson for more information.

With over 7700 parking spaces and 41 parking lots, Parking Services provides partnerships and infrastructures to the York Community, including newly added EV charging stations and multiple sustainable choices.

Parking options include:

  • Daily rate parking
  • Multipack parking passes
  • Permits
  • Motorcycle parking
  • Accessible parking
  • Parking garages and surface lots

Please visit Parking Services for more information.

York University is a major transit hub with two subway stations and local transit buses servicing the Keele Campus daily. One of the top priorities of Transportation Services has been to continuously work to improve public transit options to York and reduce the numbers of commuters utilizing single-occupant vehicles.

We are proud partners with a number of the GTA's local transit agencies, including:

  • Brampton Transit (Zum)
  • GO Transit/Metrolinx
  • the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
  • York Region Transit/VIVA

Transportation Services currently offers complimentary shuttle services to transport community members on specific routes. Please visit Transportation Services for more information.