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Faculty Council

Council Meeting Agenda June 7, 2018; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

Council Meeting Agenda June 7, 2018; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

AgendaThursday, June 7, 20183:00 p.m. Please note the non-routine location:  0007 Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building. 1.  Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting (May 10, 2018) (.docx) 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 4. Dean's Remarks 5. Summer Authority Motion: “that all items that need Council approval be delegated to the FGS Academic Planning & […]

Structure, Rules and Procedures

Structure, Rules and Procedures

Responsibilities of Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Membership of Council Officers of Council Procedures of Council Standing Committees Amendments to Rules and Procedures of Council APPENDIX A. Responsibilities of Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies As the pan-university Committee of Senate responsible for graduate and postdoctoral educational development, the Council will: provide […]

Council Meeting Agenda May 2, 2019; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

Council Meeting Agenda May 2, 2019; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

AgendaThursday, May 2, 20193:00 p.m. N940 Ross Building (Dr. Robert Everett Senate Chamber) 1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting (April 4, 2019) (.docx) 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 4. Dean's Remarks and Discussion 5. Senate Consultation on Non-Degree Activities * * *   F o r   D i s c u s s […]

Council Meeting Agenda April 4, 2019; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

Council Meeting Agenda April 4, 2019; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

AgendaThursday, April 4, 20193:00 p.m. N940 Ross Building (Dr. Robert Everett Senate Chamber) 1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2. Faculty of Graduate Studies' Faculty Teaching Award Professor Richard Murray, Graduate Programs in Biology, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, and Psychology 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (March 7, 2019) (.docx) 4. Business Arising from the Minutes 5. Dean's […]

Council Meeting Agenda March 7, 2019; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

Council Meeting Agenda March 7, 2019; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

AgendaThursday, March 7, 20193:00 p.m. N940 Ross Building (Dr. Robert Everett Senate Chamber) 1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting (February 7, 2019) (.docx) 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 4. Dean's Remarks and Discussion 5. Changes in Degree Requirements * * *   F o r   A p p r o v a l   […]

Council Meeting Agenda February 7, 2019; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

Council Meeting Agenda February 7, 2019; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

AgendaThursday, February 7, 20193:00 p.m. N940 Ross Building (Dr. Robert Everett Senate Chamber) 1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting (December 6, 2018) (.docx) 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 4. Dean's Remarks and Discussion 5. New Graduate Program * * *   F o r   A p p r o v a l   * * […]

Council Meeting Agenda December 6, 2018; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

Council Meeting Agenda December 6, 2018; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

AgendaThursday, December 6, 20183:00 p.m. N940 Ross Building (Senate Chamber) 1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2. Consultation on Freedom of Speech Policy Initiative * * *   F o r    D i s c u s s i o n   * * * (Guest:  Lorne Sossin, Chair, Freedom of Speech Working Group) Secretariat—Freedom of Speech […]

Council Meeting Agenda November 1, 2018; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

Council Meeting Agenda November 1, 2018; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

AgendaThursday, November 1, 20183:00 p.m. N940 Ross Building (Senate Chamber) 1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2. United Way Presentation (.pptx) 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (October 4, 2018) (.docx) 4. Business Arising from the Minutes 5. Dean's Remarks 6. Consultation on Freedom of Speech Policy Initiative For Discussion Secretariat Freedom of Speech Policy Integrated 7. Changes in Degree Requirements a) Graduate […]

Council Meeting Agenda October 4, 2018; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

Council Meeting Agenda October 4, 2018; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies

AgendaThursday, October 4, 20183:00 p.m. N940 Ross Building (Senate Chamber) 1.  Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2.  Minutes of Previous Meeting (June 7, 2018) (.docx) 3.  Report on Items approved by FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee acting with summer authority for Council * * *   F o r   I n f o r m a t i o n   * […]

Council Meeting Agenda June 4, 2020; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies, 3:00 p.m.

Council Meeting Agenda June 4, 2020; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies, 3:00 p.m.

AgendaThursday, June 4, 20203:00 p.m. This meeting will be held 'remotely' via zoom.  The link and password to join the meeting may be found in the meeting email notice. 1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2. Vice-President Research & Innovation * * *   F o r   D i s c u s s i o n  * * * […]