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Graduate Studies

Academic Honesty Supports and Services

For Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations on academic integrity matters, please visit Regulations – Academic Honesty. Supports to Help Avoid Academic Dishonesty Faculty of Graduate Studies Academic Integrity Module All incoming graduate students are required to complete the Faculty of Graduate Studies Academic Integrity Module, with the exception of master’s students in the Schulich School […]

Envisioning and building a Grad Supervision Support Hub at York

The Faculty of Graduate Studies is celebrating 60 years of knowledge creation, and we want to mark this milestone in a meaningful way. Just ahead of the holidays, we want to send a shout-out to all graduate educators, supervisors, committee members and students from your colleagues at the Faculty of Graduate Studies! We see you […]

York PhD candidate receives History of Medicine & Healthcare Award

Congratulations to Jody Hodgins, PhD candidate in the Department of History, for receiving the Doctoral Research Award from the Associated Medical Services (AMS) History of Medicine and Healthcare (HMH) program. Since the 1970s, AMS Healthcare, with the help of many partners, has worked to elevate the History of Healthcare’s standing in the academic community and beyond. The […]

Alexandro Di Nunzio has been awarded a five-month scholarship

Alexandro Di Nunzio, a Digital Media master’s student, is currently on exchange at Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany, after being awarded a five-month scholarship as part of the Erasmus+ KA171 DAAD programme. His primary research focus while abroad is in the development of multiplayer virtual reality applications in the Unity Game Engine, utilizing the ‘vrEDUsys’ […]

Council Meeting Agenda December 7, 2023

AgendaThursday, December 7, 20233:00 p.m. This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom. The link and password to join the meeting may be found via the meeting’s email notice. 1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2. Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year Award (URL) Presentation 3. Minutes (Previous Meeting, November 2, 2023)(.docx) 4. Business Arising from the Minutes  […]

Announcing the 2023 Recipients of the Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowships for Black and Indigenous Scholars

Congratulations to Doug Anderson and Jean de Dieu Uwisengeyimana, who have been named recipients of the 2023 Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowships for Black and Indigenous Scholars. The Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program seeks to attract outstanding scholars who will push the boundaries of knowledge in necessary ways. With a salary of $70,000 provided each year for a […]

Council Meeting Agenda November 2, 2023

AgendaThursday, November 2, 20233:00 p.m. This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom. The link and password to join the meeting may be found via the meeting’s email notice. 1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks 2. Minutes (Previous Meeting, October 5, 2023)(.docx) 3. Business Arising from the Minutes  4. Student Services Referrals & Resources Presentation (.pptx)Guests: Nona Robinson, Vice-Provost […]

C4: Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom — Graduate Studies

An award-winning, interdisciplinary, and experiential opportunity is available to motivated graduate students this Fall and Winter terms, to enhance your leadership skills and impact on the world—C4: Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom—Graduate Studies. We have just 25 spots available for graduate students in any Faculty*, so apply now if you are interested. The deadline to apply for the Fall […]

Bringing a graduate student perspective to the IDP

Bringing a valuable graduate student perspective to the table, Shyam Patel has been working as a Graduate Assistant with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, to mobilize the Individualized Development Plan (IDP), a tool that supports graduate students in identifying their goals and skills as they consider academic and non-academic careers. Patel, a doctoral student in […]

Valuable resources and tools for postdoctoral scholars at York

Postdoctoral Fellows are among the most active researchers at York University and are a vital part of our community. In addition to the mentorship of supervisors and other faculty members, the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) offers professional development opportunities, events, and resources to Postdoctoral scholars that enrich their professional development and help build networks […]