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Research Excellence

The John Charles Polanyi Prizes

The John Charles Polanyi Prizes

Overview In honour of the achievement of John Charles Polanyi, recipient of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the Government of the Province of Ontario has established a fund to provide annually up to five prizes to outstanding researchers in the early stages of their career who are continuing to post–doctoral studies or have recently […]

Ontario Trillium Scholarships (OTS)

Ontario Trillium Scholarships (OTS)

Please note that this opportunity has been suspended and is not accepting any applications at this time. Overview Announced in November 2010, the Ontario Trillium Scholarships (OTS) program will help the best doctoral students from around the world to study in Ontario. Each OTS is worth $40,000 annually and is renewable for a maximum of […]

Matching Funds

Matching Funds

What is a matching fund award? A matching fund award is comprised of money donated by a private donor that the University matches. The proportion that is matched varies per award (e.g. some are 50% donor funds, 50% university funds; while others are 60% donor funds, 40% university funds). I’m a full-time graduate student. How […]

Ontario Residency Requirement for York Internal Scholarships

Ontario Residency Requirement for York Internal Scholarships

Some York internal scholarships are matched by funds supported by the Ontario Government. To be eligible for these scholarships, an applicant must be a resident of Ontario, as defined by the residency requirement to qualify for OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program). You must be able to meet one of the following in order to be […]

Three York graduate students awarded Governor General's Gold Medals

Three York graduate students awarded Governor General's Gold Medals

Three York University graduates are the recipients of this year’s Governor General’s Gold Medals, which recognize the outstanding scholastic achievements of graduate students in Canada. This year’s recipients are Gehrig Carlse, Junjie Kang and Jordana Waxman. About the recipients Gehrig Carlse earned a BSc (Honours) in biophysics from York University before continuing on to earn his MSc in physics […]

Intellectual Property and Graduate Education

Intellectual Property and Graduate Education

The Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) recognizes the mission of the university to pursue, preserve, and disseminate knowledge and seeks to conduct research in a fair, open, and morally responsible manner. The university, and by default FGS, encourages creativity that is strengthened through the formative relationships graduate students have with graduate faculty. FGS seeks to […]

York University graduate student receives Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship

York University graduate student receives Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship

Cristina Wood, a PhD candidate in York University's Department of History, has been awarded the prestigious Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship, presented by the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, which recognizes top doctoral students in Canada and abroad in the fields of humanities and social sciences. This is the first time since 2016 that a York student has […]

York PhD's research opens important conversations about men's sexuality after spinal cord injury

York PhD's research opens important conversations about men's sexuality after spinal cord injury

Many health care providers lack confidence in their skill and ability to discuss sexuality and intimacy concerns with men who have experienced a spinal cord injury. This is one of the key findings of a comprehensive study of sexuality in men with spinal cord injury undertaken by newly minted York PhD Jacqueline Kathnelson. Working under the […]

Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities

*Please be aware that some opportunities have internal deadlines or require signatures from individuals within York which may take some time to secure. Please inform the Postdoctoral Services & Professional Skills Coordinator as early as possible if you intend to apply for an award or fellowship. She can assist you with the submission of the application. The […]

FGS honours four recipients with Faculty Teaching Award

FGS honours four recipients with Faculty Teaching Award

Four professors in the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) were honoured with teaching awards during a ceremony that recognizes the diverse and dedicated community of scholars housed at York University. The unique celebration honoured professors Michaela Hynie and Mike Zryd as 2019-20 recipients, and professors Michele Johnson and Sandra Schecter as the 2020-21 award recipients. The event was held virtually, and was attended […]