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For more information on our course offerings, please go to York Course Website.

Calendar Year Term Course # Course Title
2025 W gs/thea 5221M

In addition, as a Graduate Student, you are able to take any course offered at York University (pending the approval of the instructor). Please contact for the appropriate paperwork.

Summer Research Project

A Summer Research Project is a required component for each of the existing fields in the MFA program in Theatre. This requirement will extend to the proposed Ecological Design for Performing Arts field. The proposal for the Summer Research Project has to be submitted to the Graduate Program Director and Design Instructor. Students are required to research and develop ecological practices for design in theatre, whether sets, costumes, or sound and lighting. Design students are challenged to respect the creative and innovative processes as an important component in all stages of the design regardless of the medium. A research paper will be the end result and can be the basis of the sustainable technology of their thesis project.

Learn More

The Graduate Program in Theatre at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.