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Faculty-Led International Programs (FLIPS)

Faculty members with international community links, contextual knowledge, research affiliations, and expertise in a particular area can lead and supervise students through a structured educational program abroad. Educational activities within faculty-led international programs support experiential learning and should contextualize learning through a mix of in-class learning, site visits and community engagement.

FLIP courses generally coincide with the summer term (May-August) and run between 10 days to 3-weeks in duration. Courses offer limited enrolment spaces (up to 15-25 students) allowing students an opportunity to connect with professors and fellow students.

Students from other Faculties may also be eligible to apply to Faculty of Health summer study abroad courses if they meet course requirements and pre-requisites.

Faculty members interested in establishing a FLIP for their program should contact and seek approvals from their Chair/Director.

Recent Courses

Environmental Psychology - Las Nubes Study Abroad

Course: HH/PSYC 3450/6710 3.0 

Location: Costa Rica, February 17 - 25, 2024

Instructor: Dr. Adrienne Perry

This coming Winter Reading Week - Study of the bi-directional interaction between people and their environments through an immersive experience in Costa Rica at York's Las Nubes EcoCampus.

Through an environmental psychology lens, examine people's thoughts, feelings, attitudes, motivation, resistance, and behaviour in relation to environmental factors. Explore the effect of natural and built environments on people's well-being and the impact humans are having on the environment broadly. This course will focus on human behaviour and how to encourage pro-environmental action.   

Visit Las Nubes Study Abroad for more information.

Experience Cuba: enacting the human right to health & health equity

Course: HH/HLST 4170 3.0

Location: Cuba, April 27 - May 11, 2024

Instructor: Dr. Jessica Vorstermans

Spend 2 weeks exploring key areas of social policy, including health, education, art, history, and culture.

The commitment to human rights by the Cuban state and society are no paradox or miracle. They are instead the predictable outcome of the ideological foundation of Cuban public policy, embedded in the socialist character of the Cuban state. Come learn about this unwavering commitment to health as a human right, health equity and the full development of every Cuban from Cuban professors, professionals and workers!

Visit York International Experience Cuba for more information.

More Courses

Other faculty-led study abroad programs from across the university available through York International.

Scholarships & Funding

All participating students are eligible for York International Mobility Awards (YIMA).