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Home » Undergraduate Programs » Global Health BA & BSc » Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes

Program learning outcomes are statements about what program graduates are expected to be able do and know upon successful completion of their program, as a result of their learning in the program. Program outcomes are established by each undergraduate program and are reviewed as part of the cyclical program review. 

The program learning outcomes for the undergraduate global health degree programs (BA & BSc) are as follows:

  1. Utilize the requisite interdisciplinary approaches, theoretical lenses, and critical thinking skills to understand global health issues and actions necessary to improve health and equity globally.
  2. Apply the appropriate qualitative, quantitative, and normative research methodologies in the definition and assessment of the health status of populations, determinants of health and illness, and factors contributing to health promotion, disease prevention, and health equity at the individual, community, and population level.
  3. Exemplify the virtues of being an agent of change through envisioning opportunities for reform and being an advocate for promoting global health and equity, especially for disadvantaged or marginalized populations.
  4. Articulate the benefits of a transdisciplinary approach to global health as a discipline and area of practice, and the manner in which knowledge, understanding, and skills from the humanities, social sciences, and the sciences can be applied to promote global health and equity.
  5. Analyze the impact of public and private institutions, legal and financial systems, political processes, and social movements that comprise the multi-level, multi-sectorial nature of global health governance as they impact on health and equity.
  6. Recognize the importance of and engage in problem-solving real-world issues collaboratively to promote health and equity at the local and global level, and the various mechanisms within global health governance that facilitate cooperative action for promoting health and equity.
  7. Critically analyze the impacts of colonization, racism, misogyny, globalization, and neo-liberalism on the structure, function, and activities of global health policy, practice, and research, and the importance of respecting the insights and autonomy of diverse voices in the global health context.