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Global Health BA & BSc

Three distinct benefits


  • First undergraduate degree program of its kind in Canada to combine a core body of knowledge in global health with specialized options
  • Interdisciplinary courses for unparalleled breadth and depth of knowledge in health, as well as factors that affect health ranging from biology (e.g. genetics) to social determinants of health (e.g. poverty and human rights)
  • BA and BSc degree options


  • Online and blended courses (combination of online and in-class)
  • Specialized Honours Degree option allows students to choose a specialization tailored to individual career interests including Global E-Health; Global Health Policy, Management and Systems; Global Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; and Global Health and the Environment
  • The Honours Degree option allows for major-minor combinations


  • Hands on, work experience from fourth year practicum (Specialized Honours only) in partnership with academic institutions and NGOs in Canada or overseas
  • Career ready with knowledge and skills from in-class instruction and experiential education opportunities
  • Can be used as pre-professional degree for medicine, nursing, health law, health administration or relevant graduate degrees

Additional Benefits for Students

Graduates of a BA or BSc in Global Health will possess employable skills such as practical knowledge in epidemiology, biostatistics, human biology, determinants of health, and critical thinking, complex systems, and translating evidence-based knowledge into programs and policy. Students will graduate with an understanding and knowledge of global health architecture, comparative health systems, health information and communication technology, challenges of community empowerment in resource-poor settings, the nature, dynamics and impact of international migration on human resources for health, and health care financing and health sector reform across cultures and countries. With the combination of knowledge and practical skill offered by the Global Health BA, BSc, students will be ready for positions in health research agencies, government and non-government organizations, regional and world health authorities, private sector and non-profit organizations.

For specific information on careers in global health visit: Careers in Global Health.

Areas of Study

As global health issues cross disciplines, students in this degree program benefit from access to a broad array of areas in the Faculty of Health including biostatistics and epidemiology, health economics and policy, human biology and pathology, health research methodology, as well as other areas in the liberal arts and basic sciences including anthropology, environmental studies, philosophy, ethics and law. Students study the determinants, consequences, and patterns of disease across societies; the role of medical technologies and interventions in health improvements; health promotion and disease management; and the economic, political, and social factors that shape domestic and global public health.