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If you are willing to do a Master's research paper, a master's thesis or a Ph. D or a postdoctoral project on the topic covered by the Black Health Equity & Disability Justice Lab, please send an email to Dr. Berthelot-Raffard to explore potential supervision. However, whether Dr. Berthelot-Raffard can accept a request for supervision will depend on two factors: (a) if she currently has the capacity to supervise another trainee and (b) whether the trainee's research interests are aligned with her own program of research and areas of expertise. Dr. Berthelot-Raffard will only answer a request that clearly demonstrates that the potential applicants have read and understood her areas of research and expertise. Potential applicants should include a two pages paper that states clearly the initial idea of a research topic they want to work on, the methods, and the theoretical framework. The request should also include a CV.

Dr. Berthelot-Raffard can supervise students in health equity, critical disability studies, women's and gender studies and philosophy

If you want to be involved as a graduate research assistant in one of Dr. Berthelot-Raffard's projects, please reach out to her with your CV. This does not guarantee that a position will be open at the time of your application.

A volunteer position to help to disseminate calls for participants, be a project ambassador, or participate in a promotional video is also possible in exceptional circumstances, please send a email to the research coordination team.