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Carly Albaum

Carly Albaum
Carly Albaum


  • Doctor of Philosophy, York University (in progress)
  • Master of Arts, York University
  • Bachelor of Arts Specialized Honours, York University

Research Interests

My current research focuses on common factors in cognitive behaviour therapy for autistic youth, with the aim of understanding why certain children benefit from participating in therapy while others do not. I am interested in examining various therapeutic process factors, such as therapeutic alliance, youth engagement, and parent involvement, in relation to treatment change and improvements in mental health outcomes for autistic young people. 

Albaum, C., Vashi, N., Bohr, Y., & Weiss, J. A. (under review). A systematic review of therapeutic process factors in mental health treatment for autistic youth. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.

Lunsky, Y., Weiss, J., Redquest, B., Albaum, C., Share-Strom, D., & Share, M. (under review). A virtual group-based mindfulness intervention for autistic adults. Mindfulness.

Albaum, C., Mills, A. S., Morin, D., & Weiss, J. A. (2022). Attitudes towards people with intellectual disability associated with integrated sport participation. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 39(1), 86-108.

Albaum, C., Chan, V., Sellitto, T., Vashi, N., Hastings, R. P., Weiss J. A. (2021). Redressing the balance: A systematic review of positive psychology in the intellectual disability literature. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, 60, 1-53.

Lee, V., Albaum, C., Tablon Modica, P., Ahmad, F., Gorter, J., Khanlou, N., McMorris, C., Lai, J., Harrison, C., Hedley, T., Johnston, P., Putterman, C., Spoelstra, M., & Weiss, J. A. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Caregivers of Autistic Children and Youth: A Scoping Review. Autism Research, 14(12), 2477-2494.

Lunsky, Y., Albaum, C., Baskin, A., Hastings, R. P., Hutton, S., Steel, L., Wang, W., & Weiss, J. (2021). Group virtual mindfulness-based intervention for parents of autistic adolescents and adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51, 3959-3969.

Tajik-Parvinchi, D. J., Farmus, L., Cribbie, R., Albaum, C., & Weiss, J. A. (2020). Clinical and Parental Predictors of Emotion Regulation Following Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Children with Autism. Autism, 24(4), 851-866.

Albaum, C., Tablon, P., Roudbarani, F., & Weiss, J. A. (2020). Predictors and outcomes associated with therapeutic alliance in cognitive behaviour therapy for children with autism. Autism, 24(1), 211-220.

Salem-Guirgis, S., Albaum, C., Tablon, P., Burnham Riosa, P., Nicholas, D., Drmic, I., & Weiss, J. (2019) MYmind: A concurrent group-based mindfulness intervention for youth with autism and their parents. Mindfulness, 10(9), 1730-1743.

Weiss, J., Thomson, K., Burnham Riosa, P., Albaum, C., Chan, V., Maughan, A., Tablon, P., & Black, K. (2018). A randomized waitlist controlled trial of cognitive behavior therapy to improve emotion regulation in children with autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 59(11), 1180-1191

Burnham Riosa, P., Ting, V., Maughan, A., Stables, V., Albaum, C., & Weiss, J. A. (2017). Remediating deficits or increasing strengths in ASD research: A content analysis. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 1, 113-121.

Albaum C., Mills, A., Morin, D., & Weiss, J. (2021, July). Attitudes towards people with intellectual disability associated with integrated sport participation. International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) 2021 Europe Congress (Virtual conference).

Albaum, C., Mills, A., & Weiss, J. (2021, April). Explicit and implicit attitudes towards individuals with intellectual disability: The role of integrated sport participation. 2021 Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Virtual conference).

Albaum, C., & Weiss, J. (2020, April). Correlates of therapeutic process in cognitive behaviour therapy for children with autism and anxiety [Oral Presentation]. 2020 Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, San Diego, CA. (Conference cancelled).

 Albaum, C., Mills, A., & Weiss, J. (2020, April). Explicit and implicit attitudes towards individuals with intellectual disability: The role of integrated sport participation [Poster Presentation]. 2020 Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, San Diego, CA. (Conference cancelled).

Albaum, C., Roudbarani, F., Tablon P., & Weiss, J. A. (2019, August). Therapist behaviours predicting therapeutic alliance in cognitive behaviour therapy for children with autism. Poster presented at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) 2019 World Congress, Glasgow, Scotland.

Albaum, C., & Weiss, J. A. (2019, May). Emotion regulation as a predictor and an outcome of children with autism’s therapeutic alliance. Oral presentation at the 2019 International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Pre-Meeting on Mental Health, Montreal, QC.

Albaum, C. S., Tablon P., Roudbarani, F., & Weiss, J. A. (2018, April). Therapeutic alliance in cognitive behavior therapy for children with autism: Predictors and relation to treatment outcome. Poster presented at the 2018 Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, San Diego, CA.

Albaum, C. S., Roudbarani, F., Tablon P., & Weiss, J. A. (2017, June). Correlates of common therapeutic process factors in children with autism involved in cognitive behaviour therapy. Poster presented at the 2017 Canadian Psychological Association National Convention, Toronto, ON.

Albaum, C. S., & Weiss, J. A. (2017, May). Parent and child factors related to homework completion in cognitive-behaviour therapy for children with ASD. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) 2017, San Francisco, CA.

Albaum, C. S., & Weiss, J. A. (2017, April). Common therapeutic process factors in cognitive behavioural therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder. Oral presentation at the Ontario Association for Developmental Disabilities’ Research Special Interest Group Conference, Niagara Falls, ON.


  • 2021 - 2022 Autism Scholars Award, Doctoral Award, Council of Ontario Universities
  • 2021 - 2022 Susan Mann Dissertation Scholarship, York University
  • 2018 - 2021 Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships - Doctoral Award (CGS-D), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
  • 2017 - 2018 Ontario Graduate Scholarship
  • 2016 York University Sammy Graduate Scholarship in Autism Research


Twitter: @CarlyAlbaum