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Dr. Casey Fulford

Dr. Casey Fulford
Dr. Casey Fulford


  • Doctorate of Philosophy, University of Ottawa
  • Bachelor of Science Honours, Queen's University

Research Interests

I am interested in engaging in research that promotes wellbeing for individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities. My research has focused on friendship support, physical health, and cross-sector service-navigation. I greatly value the opportunities I have to provide clinical services through research projects that aim to enhance the mental health of individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities.

Potvin, L.A., Fulford, C., Ouellette-Kuntz, H., & Cobigo, V. (2019). Support needs of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities when booking and attending the annual health exam. Canadian Family Physician, 65(Suppl 1), S47-S52.

Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Smith, G., Fulford, C. & Cobigo, V. (2018).  Are we making a difference in primary care for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities? Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42, e154.

Fulford, C., & Cobigo, V. (2016). Friendships and Intimate Relationships among people with intellectual disabilities: A thematic synthesis. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(1), e18–e35.

Silveira, J., Rockman, P., Fulford, C., & Hunter, J. (2016). An approach to undifferentiated mental disorders in primary care: Is your patient safe? Canadian Family Physician, 62(12), 972-978.

Cobigo, V., Brown, R., Lachapelle, Y., Lysaght, R., Martin, L., Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Stuart, H., & Fulford, C. (2016). Social inclusion: A proposed framework to inform its measurement. Inclusion, 4(4), 226-238.

McLennan, J. D., Fulford, C., Hrycko, S. & Cobigo, V. (October, 2019). Service use mapping to examine cross-sector and longitudinal service use patterns of children with developmental disabilities. Poster presented at for the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Chicago, IL, USA.

Fulford, C., Plourde, N., & Cobigo, V. (2018, April). Facilitating participation of individuals with IDD and their caregivers in the knowledge mobilization process at community-based service agencies. In V. Cobigo (Chair), The use of focus groups to engage persons with intellectual disabilities in research and knowledge mobilization processes. Symposium presented at Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities Conference, Research Special Interest Group, Kingston, ON.

Fulford, C. & Cobigo, V. (2018, April).  How to implement evidence-based friendship support strategies for adults with developmental disabilities who have complex needs. Workshop presented at the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities Conference, Kingston, ON.

Fulford, C., Plourde, N., & Cobigo, V. (2017, July). Facilitating self-advocacy for adults with cognitive impairments when conducting inclusive research in community based service agencies. In V. Cobigo (Chair), Inclusive research with adults with cognitive impairments: Challenges and good practices.Symposium presented at the 16th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Ottawa, ON.

Fulford, C., Cobigo, V., Ouellette-Kuntz, H., & Potvin, L. (2016, November). Support needs of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities when attending annual health exams. Poster presented at the 5th Health and Wellbeing in Children, Youth, and Adults with Developmental Disabilities Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Fulford, C., & Cobigo, V. (2016, November). Friendship among individuals with intellectual disabilities: A thematic synthesis. Poster presented at the 5thHealth and Wellbeing in Children, Youth, and Adults with Developmental Disabilities Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.


  • 2018-2019 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship, Government of Canada
  • 2016-2020 Excellence Scholarship, University of Ottawa
  • 2016-2020 Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Government of Ontario (Declined 2018-2019 award)
  • 2014-2016 Admission Scholarship, University of Ottawa

