We are looking for youth (13 – 21 years of age) with intellectual disability for an online study.
Click here to sign-up for the study!
For more information, please email pmhstudy@yorku.ca.
What’s this project about?
We are interested in learning about positive mental health (wellbeing) and mental health problems (e.g., anxiety, depression) for youth with intellectual disability.
Past research has shown that it is possible for people to experience positive mental health (social, emotional and psychological well-being) while also living with a mental health problem (Keyes, 2010). We want to find out what this looks like for youth with intellectual disability!
Who can participate?
Youth with a diagnosis of intellectual disability and their family caregiver (e.g., parent) from Canada and the United States can participate.
What does participation involve?
The study involves youth answering questions over video call (Zoom) with a researcher, and parents answering survey questions.
Parents of youth with intellectual disability may also participate by completing an online survey. All aspects of this study will be conducted online. Compensation is provided.
What is the next step?
If you wish to participate, please click the link at the top of the page to fill out our study Sign-up Sheet, or email us for more info at pmhstudy@yorku.ca.