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Home » Self-Regulation


About this PATHS attribute

Self-regulation, which includes metacognition and mindfulness, involves assessing and understanding one's internal state (i.e. emotions, mindset, skills, motivations) and developing an action plan or strategy to effectively respond to external challenges.

Where to start? Follow this pathway for a complete learning experience or pick the scenario that applies to your course. Each section includes: 

  • A description of the learning object and associated learning outcomes 
  • Estimated activity time 
  • Instructor notes and helpful suggestions 
  • Options to download or embed resources 
  • Video transcripts and accessible document versions 

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Incorporating Self-Regulation

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

Be Intentional

  • Identify opportunities to incorporate strategies to teach self-regulation skills.
  • Decide when to focus on developing self-regulation skills, guiding students to think metacognitively or providing opportunities to practice mindfulness.

Be Clear

  • Talk to students about self-regulation skills, explain why these skills are important and identify opportunities for students to use these skills. 
  • Introduce students to self-regulation by incorporating PATHS tools and learning objects into your course.

Be Mindful

  • Select meaningful opportunities that align with the course learning objectives and let others go. Students should not be overwhelmed with strategies and activities. 
  • Ensure activities and opportunities are presented in accessible and inclusive formats. 

1. Adapted by PATHS, York University from Teaching Metacognitive Skills. Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo.

2. Westlund Stewart, Nicole & Wilson, Wade. Exploring the Impact of a Mindfulness Meditation Intervention on First Year Students’ Writing Self-Efficacy, Apprehension, Anxiety, and Performance. Waterloo. 2018.

3. Metacognition. MIT Teaching + Learning Lab.

Explore strategies

Estimated Reading Time: 2.5 minutes

Description and ExamplesPATHS Tools
Help guide learners’ mindsets, goal setting, and expectations by providing specific cues for using self-regulatory strategies, modeling metacognitive thinking and mindfulness, and being explicit about how to use different learning strategies.Learning About the Cycle of Self-Regulated Learning

Working Through Cycle of Self-Regulated Learning
Foster a growth mindset and encourage students to seek support and use resources when they need it (e.g. help students frame new information or feedback in a positive rather than a negative manner). Growth mindset
Promote reflective thinking and embed reflective prompts in course activities.Thinking metacognitively
Help learners link new experiences to prior learning and knowledge.Self-Reflection pathway
Description and ExamplesPATHS Tools
Have students develop a learning plan (including learning goals) for the term and work through the cycle of self-regulated learning. SMART(ER) Goals
Ask students to monitor, track, and evaluate their learning before, during and/or after class (e.g. use prompt or polls to gather responses, exam wrappers) or throughout the course (e.g. portfolios, learning journals, one-minute paper).1 Personal learning plan
Use peer learning and collaborative experiences to encourage self-regulation skills, metacognition and mindfulness (e.g. teamwork, think-pair-share, two-stage exams, retrieval practice). Thinking metacognitively
Incorporate mindfulness activities at the start of a class or during a wellness break. Practicing Mindfulness
Description and ExamplesPATHS Tools
Encourage students to evaluate their own performance and adapt their strategies.Student Self-Assessment
Provide opportunities for students to assess their self-regulation skills throughout the course. Support Self-Regulated learning
Provide effective feedback to help students assess and identify learning progress, strengths and weaknesses. Evaluate self-regulation
Build self-regulation and metacognitive strategies into assignments and encourage them before and after tests and exams. Self-Regulation pathway

Helpful considerations

Self-Regulation & Metacognition:

  • It is important to ensure accessible and inclusive opportunities for students to complete activities and practice developing their self-regulation skills.


  • If you are planning to introduce mindfulness practices into your course (e.g. meditation, mindful writing or reading), consider having students complete activities in tutorials or in smaller, group settings.1 
  • Instructors can also provide mindfulness practices to students virtually (e.g. online learning platforms) and make participation part of the course content.

Adapted by PATHS, York University from Carleton University, Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).

Carleton University, "Develop Self-Regulated Learners: Choosing and Using the Best Strategies for the Task"

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Think-Pair-Share" Active Learning

University of Connecticut, "How-To Instruction for self-regulated learning strategies"

University of Guelph, "Two Stage Exams"

University of Waterloo, Teaching Metacognitive Skills. Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo.

End Notes:

  1. Westlund Stewart, Nicole & Wilson, Wade. Exploring the Impact of a Mindfulness Meditation Intervention on First Year Students’ Writing Self-Efficacy, Apprehension, Anxiety, and Performance. Waterloo. 2018.

Using PATHS learning objects

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

  • Customize PATHS tools to incorporate examples and information specific to the course topic, divide information and lessons into smaller activities, and make connections for students between course content and real-word examples (e.g. discuss how professionals in your discipline use self-regulation skills and think metacognitively). 
  • Include PATHS tools as stand-alone learning objects or supplementary content to support class assignments, activities, and tasks. PATHS tools can be graded or ungraded activities. 
  • Avoid using PATHS tools solely as an "additional resource" for students to explore on their own time.
  • Explicitly introduce PATHS activities to students. You can do so during class, in your syllabus, online, or as a class announcement.
  • Identify where you may need to provide alternate versions and accessible documents for students, these options are provided across all PATHS tools.

Self-regulation helps students take strategic control of their learning

Self-regulation helps students manage responsibilities, timelines and goals, monitor their learning, and effectively respond to challenges and new tasks. Self-regulation helps students persist and succeed in their learning, whether they're working on a group project, learning new concepts, or completing an assignment.

What is self-regulation and metacognition in a learning context?

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Format: Interactive Video

Description: This learning object introduces students to self-regulation and metacognition and the associated elements in a learning environment. Students will engage in metacognition and self-regulation to recognize its benefits to academic and professional growth.

Note for instructors: Instructors can assign this interactive video early in their course. This learning object can be paired with any of the items in this section or be used as a stand-alone item. 

Suggestion: Instructors can pair this interactive video with activities and worksheets found in the "Encourage metacognitive thinking" and "Support self-regulated learning" section of this pathway to help students apply their learning. 

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: YouTube Video, Video Transcript

Why mindfulness is important to self-regulation

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Format: Activity (Interactive Presentation)

Description: Students will learn about mindfulness in a learning context, the qualities of mindful learners, and the role of mindfulness in developing their self-regulation skills. 

Note for instructors: Instructors can assign this interactive presentation early in their course. This learning object can be paired with any of the items in this section or be used as a stand-alone item.

Suggestion: After students complete this activity, instructors can assign the "Practicing mindfulness to become self-regulated learners" activity to help students apply their learning.

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: Word Document

What is the cycle of self-regulated learning?

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Format: Interactive Video

Description: In this interactive video introduces students to the cycle of self-regulated learning and steps they can take to practice self-regulated learning.

Note for instructors: Instructors can assign this interactive video early in their course. This learning object can be paired with any of the items in this section or be used as a stand-alone item.

Suggestion: Instructors can pair this interactive video with activities and worksheets found in the "Support self-regulated learning" section of this pathway to help students apply their learning.

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: YouTube Video, Video Transcript, Infographic

Learning about self-regulation

Learning about self-regulation and its benefits will help empower students by developing skills in planning and goal setting, personal leadership and accountability, integrative and critical thinking, self-awareness and learning skills. 

Five ways to develop metacognitive skills

Estimated time: 1 minutes

Format: Infographic

Description: This infographic helps students understand how they can develop their metacognitive skills by using the cycle of self-regulated learning. 

Note for instructors: Instructors can pair this learning object with any tools in this section and may choose to use this learning object as a stand-alone item or as supplementary content.  

Suggestion: Instructors can share this information as part of an announcement in eClass or include this item as part of an upcoming assignment/task to prompt students to use the cycle of self-regulated learning. 

Student Learning Object (PDF)

Thinking metacognitively during various learning activities

Estimated time: N/A

Format: Activity

Description: Students will practice thinking metacognitively during various learning experiences (ex. in-class, studying, active learning). Students will review a series of questions that will prompt metacognitive thinking through the planning, monitoring, and evaluation phases of learning. 

Note for instructors: Instructors can assign this activity for students to complete after watching the "Learning about self-regulation and metacognition" interactive video found in this pathway. 

Suggestion: Instructors can assign this activity for students to complete after watching the "Learning about self-regulation and metacognition" interactive video found in this pathway. 

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: Word Document

Monitoring you learning

Estimated time: N/A

Format: Activity

Description: Students will practice thinking metacognitively by monitoring their learning. Students will review a series of questions that will prompt metacognitive thinking during various learning experiences (ex. in-class, studying, active learning).

Note for instructors: Instructors can pair this learning object with any other item in this section, use this learning object as a stand-alone item or as supplementary content. 

Suggestion: Instructors can assign this activity for students to complete after watching the"Learning about self-regulation and metacognition" interactive video found in this pathway. 

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: Word Document

Improving learning by thinking metacognitively

Students improve their learning when they have well-developed metacognitive thinking skills. Metacognition (thinking about our own thinking and learning) helps students develop knowledge about their learning strategies and themselves as learners, as well as the ability to self-regulate their learning processes.

Practicing mindfulness to become self-regulated learners

Estimated time: 8 minutes

Format: Activity (Interactive Presentation)

Description: Students will learn about mindfulness practices, assess their present-time awareness and mindfulness qualities as learners, and practice and learn how to incorporate meditation and other mindfulness practices into their daily routines as students.  

Note for instructors: Instructors can assign this interactive presentation early in their course and at key times in the academic cycle, including ahead of midterms and exams, where students may especially benefit from mindfulness practices. This learning object can be used as a stand-alone item or paired with other activities in this pathway. 

Suggestion: Instructors can assign the “Learning about mindfulness” interactive presentation to students that require an introduction. After introducing students to this tool, instructors can continue to use elements of this presentation to support students in cultivating mindfulness throughout their course.

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: Word Document

Nurturing a growth mindset to support self-regulated learning

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Format: Activity (Interactive Presentation)

Description: This learning object provides students with an opportunity to learn about growth mindset, its benefits, and how to cultivate a growth mindset as a learner. As students work through this interactive presentation, they can assess their mindsets about learning and identify and discuss steps they can take to move towards a growth mindset.

Note for instructors: This learning object can be used as a stand-alone item or paired with other activities in this pathway. Instructors can introduce this learning object early in their course to help students approach course work using a growth mindset.

Suggestion: After introducing students to this tool, instructors can continue to use elements of this presentation to support students in cultivating a growth mindset throughout their course.

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: Word Document

How to develop growth mindset

Estimated time: 1 minute

Format: Infographic

Description: This infographic provides condensed information about developing a growth mindset and gives students simple examples of growth mindset thinking.

Note for instructors: Instructors can use this learning object as supplementary content to the "Nurturing a growth mindset to support self-regulated learning" interactive presentation.

Suggestion: Instructors can share this information as part of an announcement in eClass or include this item as part of an upcoming assignment/task to prompt growth mindset thinking.

Student Learning Object (PDF)

Download PDF

Using mindfulness and growth mindset to achieve more

By developing mindfulness, students can learn how to overcome distracting thoughts and feelings and better respond to challenges. Along with mindfulness, cultivating a growth mindset gives students an empowering perspective towards learning by developing a sense of resourcefulness and purpose with a focus on improvement and growth. 

Working through the cycle of self-regulated learning

Estimated time: N/A

Format: Activity (Worksheet)

Description: Students will apply their learning about the cycle of self-regulated learning and work through each phase. Students will analyze a learning task, develop a plan of action, apply their plan, monitor their learning and performance, and then reflect on and evaluate their outcomes in order to apply insights to future experiences.

Note for instructors: Instructors can use this learning object as a stand-alone tool to help students incorporate the SRL cycle as they plan and work towards completing a task/assignment. 

Suggestion: This tool can be paired with the "Learning about the cycle of self-regulated learning" interactive video found in the "Introduce students to self-regulation" section of this pathway. 

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: Word Document, Infographic

Setting SMART(ER) goals

Estimated time: N/A

Format: Activity (Worksheet)

Description: Students will learn about the SMART goal setting framework, create a SMART goal for an upcoming assignment or a course, consider using evaluation and reflection in their goal setting using the SMART(ER) goal setting model, and discuss strategies they can use to stay motivated.

Note for instructors: This learning object can be used as a stand-alone item or paired with other activities in this section of the pathway.

Suggestion: Instructors can use this tool to support students working in teams.

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: Word Document

Developing a learning plan

Estimated time: N/A

Format: Activity (Worksheet)

Description: Students will identify learning experiences, resources or support that will help them achieve their goals. This includes evaluating their progress and making changes in their approach, if needed. 

Note for instructors: This learning object can be paired with other activities in this section of the pathway. Students should complete the "Setting SMART(ER) goals" activity found in this section, before completing this activity.

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: Word Document

Achieve more with self-regulation tools and frameworks

Students can learn how to build up their self-regulation skills with the help of various tools and frameworks, including using the cycle of self-regulated learning to approach an upcoming assignment or task, making goals that stick and monitoring their progress, and creating a personal learning plan that will help them overcome obstacles and succeed in their course. 

Student self-assessment

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Format: Activity

Description: Students will have the opportunity to reflect on a current course(s) and assess their self-regulation skills, including using strategies and approaches to to support their learning, thinking metacognitively and practicing mindfulness in learning by completing a questionnaire, and receive feedback.

Note for instructors: This learning object can be used at key times throughout a course (e.g. before an upcoming assignment).

Student Learning Object (H5P)

Other available formats: Word Document

Evaluation tools help students gain valuable insights

Instructors can use these objects to provide students with guidance and supportive tools to assess their perceived performance and progress.

Instructors can also create a scaffolded learning experience through external feedback that assists students in reflecting on any discrepancies between their desired goal and attained the outcome.