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Workshops for Undergraduate Students

The Department of Psychology, in collaboration with undergraduate (UPSA) and graduate (PGSA; PUMP) associations, offers workshops to address key questions that Psychology  undergraduate students typically have. These workshops are designed to provide  students with answers to questions that they might have related to their Psychology degree program and/or future aspirations.

Below we provide some links to slides and videos from previous workshops, as well as some additional information that you might find useful.  Please keep in mind that you can access additional workshops and seminars through a variety of organizations on campus including Calumet college, the learning commons, the writing centre, and the career centre.

Workshops 2018–2019


GRE workshop, a thorough introduction to the GRE and also provide some study tips to help you prepare. A panel of current graduate students will then host a Q&A to address any questions you might have about this process. We will also be having a free raffle of some GRE prep books for those who attend.

Statistical Consulting Services for Honours Thesis Students

York Psychology Research Opportunities: How undergraduates can take full advantage of being in a top psychology program

Presented by Dr. Pillai Riddell

York University Psychology has been recently ranked as a top 100
program in the world. Our academic standing is partly due to excellent
students and professors doing internationally recognized research. This was a
workshop about how to match up undergraduate students with professors on
research projects. Most competitive post-undergrad programs require extensive
involvement outside the classroom.

Topics included:

  • How to get a position what types of positions are ideal.
  • What to expect in a research lab
  • How to maximize your time in a research lab.
  • How to best strategize your experiential education

Applying to Graduate School in Clinical Psychology - Putting Together a Great Application

Presenters: Dr. J. Lewin & graduate students Melissa Cullan and Kim Button

Powerpoint presentation of Applying to Graduate School in Clinical Psychology.

March 2014 Workshops:

Workshop for 3rd year Honours BA and BSc students:
Planning for the 4th year of Honours in Psychology - courses and thesis.  12-2 pm BSB 163

Graduate School in Clinical Psychology - What does it entail? Is it a realistic alternative? what about Counselling? Given by two faculty members, Dr. Karen Fergus from our Adult Clinical area and Dr. Jennine Rawana from our Developmental Clinical area.

FALL TERM - 2012

Coordinator: Saeid Chavoshi

Information sessions will be held on Fridays 11:30am – 1:30pm in Room 163 Behavioral Science Building (across from the Information centre on the ground floor of the building) unless otherwise noted. The information sessions typically last one to two hours. Attendance is voluntary, but recommended. A brief outline of topics to be covered this term is presented below.

Date: Friday September 14


Workshop will cover information you need to decide which agency to apply to, tips on how to go about it and resources for further information. The internal York application deadlines for OGS, NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR will all be in late September / early October). Watch this site – deadlines will be posted as soon as they are available.


Everyone can apply to OGS and to one of NSERC, SSHRC or CIHR, depending on your planned area of graduate study. You will need 2 transcripts, one for OGS and one for the federal agency you choose. 

ORDER THESE NOW – click here to Order Transcripts Online. Have them sent directly to the Psychology Graduate Office (BSB 297).   The Graduate Office handles all graduate funding applications, even those from undergraduate students.

NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council)

Online application: See the following website for application instructions and on-line forms, including information for arranging electronic letters of reference: NSERC application website

Transcripts due in Graduate Office: Wednesday October 3, 2012

Intention to apply: email Freda Soltau in the Psychology Graduate Studies office by Wednesday October 3, 2012 indicating that you intend to apply (include your full name and student number and the fact that you will be applying at the Masters level)

Final online application deadline: Monday October 22, 2012.

SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council)

Application guide 

Application Deadline: Wednesday November  7, 2012

The application in full (application, transcripts, references) must all be submitted to the graduate office by this date.

CIHR (Canadian Institutes for Health Research)

Information not available yet – Deadline will be in Nov or Dec

 Date: Friday September 21


There is a computerized General Test and a Psychology Subject Test. They take place at different places and times. Further details about the GRE will be provided at the workshop.

Important Date:
Test Date for Psychology Subject Test: November 10, 2012
For further information and registration, go to the GRE Website

Date: Friday, September 28, 2012


This session covers all aspects of the graduate school application process for psychology. Information is also given on the selection process.