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Raymond, Joey & Amy are named 2020 York Research Leaders!

Raymond, Joey & Amy are named 2020 York Research Leaders!

Picture of Dr. Raymond Mar
Raymond Mar
Picture of Dr. Amy Muise
Amy Muise

Picture of Dr. Joey Cheng
Joey Cheng

Three of our own Social-Personality Psychology faculty members were named as 2020 York Research Leaders, who are recognized as leaders and pioneers in their field!

Raymond Mar was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from Germany’s Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. His research focuses on how engaging with fiction can influence social cognition, empathy, and theory of mind.

Joey Cheng was also awarded the SAGE Young Scholar Award presented by SAGE Publications and the Foundation for Personality & Social Psychology. Her research focuses on the dynamics of competition and co-operation, and the mechanisms underlying these processes.

Amy Muise was awarded both York Research Chair in Relationships and Sexuality and SAGE Young Scholar Award, presented by SAGE Publications and the Foundation for Personality & Social Psychology. Her research focuses on romantic relationships and how we can maintain sexual desire and satisfaction in relationships over time.

Amazing work you three, but we already knew that! 🙂