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2020-2021 SP Orientation, pandemic-style!

As we all know, 2020 is a little crazy. The SP area gathered for our annual orientation party a little differently this year, but not any less fun! We typically gather for our colloquium brownbag series every Monday from 12:00-1:30, but this year we will be meeting on Zoom.

Thank you to Esther Greenglass, Chantelle, and Stephanie for helping put on what could be the most fun SP Orientation we've ever had, on Zoom! We had many video presentations highlighting the area's members and past memories, where we laughed at and look back on fondly.

Special welcome to our 2 new graduate students this year, Rebecca Dunk (working with Raymond Mar) who is entering her first year of the Masters program, and Kevin Zhou (working with Kerry Kawakami) who is entering his first year of the Ph.D. program.Welcome to our SP family! It's going to be a weird year, but we are in this together and here for each other 🙂

Picture of Grad Students meeting on Zoom
Grad students (old and new) in our post-orientation Zoom student hang out!