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York U represented at SPSP and other conferences in 2019!

York U was well represented at the Annual Meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) in the (somewhat cold, fairly donut-y) city of Portland, Oregon from February 7-9, 2019.
See below for our faculty, post-doc, and graduate student presentations!

Amy Muise – Talk presented at the Caryl E. Rusbult Early Career Award Address in Close Relationships Pre-Conference

  • Fanning the flame: The role of sexual communal motivation (see SPSP blog post here).

Rhonda Balzarini (post-doc)

  • Detriments of unmet sexual ideals and buffering effect of sexual communal strength (talk).
  • Not on the same page: Unmet sexual ideals and the buffering effect of sexual communal strength (talk).
  • Responses to sexual advances and satisfaction in romantic relationships: Is yes good and no bad? (poster)

Meghan George

  • Facing expectations: An exploration of apologetic facial cues (poster).

Justin Friesen (former post-doc)

  • Situational influences of trust on intergroup biases in face processing (talk).

Joshua Guilfoyle

  • Initial development and psychometric properties of a State Apology Scale (poster).

Francine Karmali (former grad student)

  • Friend or Foe? Exploring the impact of social cues on intergroup processing (chaired symposium with Kerry Kawakami; see SPSP blog post here).

Ronda Lo – Advances in Cultural Psychology Pre-Conference

  • The effect of culture on load and distractor processing (poster).

Chanel Meyers (post-doc)

  • Detecting biracial identification: Perceived phenotypicality is inaccurate (talk).

Jessica Padgett

  • National identity and the construction of history: A Canadian perspective (poster).

Joshua Quinlan

  • The role of genre and transportability in the cultivation effects of videogames (poster).

Stephanie Raposo

  • Self-expansion is linked to greater relationship and sexual well-being for couples coping with low sexual desire (data blitz at the Close Relationships Pre-Conference, poster at the main conference).

Mariko Visserman (post-doc)

  • Taking stock of reality: Biased perceptions of romantic partners’ costs for sacrifice (poster). 
  • With or without you: Exploring relational and personal self-expansion among romantic partners post-relocation (poster).

Alexandria West

  • Growing through our cultural differences: The role of self-expansion in intercultural couples’ relationships (poster).
Current and former York SP members posing in front of the classic Portland sign at SPSP 2019.

In addition to SPSP, York U representation is abundant in other 2019 conferences (see below!).

Jorida Cila (former graduate student) (American Psychological Science, May 2019)

  • Identity and pragmatic motivations predict choices and preferences of baby names amongbicultural individuals (poster).

Ronda Lo (Asian Association of Social Psychology, July 2019)

  • Birds of a feather flock together, except for my brother: Cultural variation in the effect of sibling differentiation on well-being and sibling relationship quality (poster).

Kashmala Qasim (Muslim Mental Health Conference, April 2019)

  • The role of social support in seeking counselling from Imams versus peer support groups in Muslim women (talk).

Kashmala Qasim (Canadian Psychological Association, June 2019)

  • Faith-based coping in Muslim Syrian refugees facing financial threat in Toronto (talk).

Stephanie Raposo (Society for Sex Therapy and Research 2019 Annual Meeting, May 2019)

  • The benefits of self-expansion for couples coping with female sexual interest/arousal disorder (poster).

Stephanie Raposo (International Association of Relationship Research mini-conference on “Positive action in relationships”, June 2019)

  • Broadening and building in the bedroom: Relationship processes that enhance couples’ sex lives (chaired symposium).
  • The benefits of self-expansion for couples coping with low sexual desire (talk).

Jessica Padgett (Asian Association of Social Psychology, July 2019)

  •  Openness to interracial relationships: Perspectives of East and South Asian Canadians (poster).

Alisha Salerno (American Psychology-Law Society, March 2019)

  • A qualitative study of police experiences of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Canada (talk). 
  • Eggplants, nude pics and stalking, oh my!: Women’s experiences with male predatory behaviour online (talk).

Elysia Vaccarino (Midwestern Psychological Association, April 2019)

  • Confronting prejudice and apathy: The effects of social context (talk).

Mariko Visserman (post-doc) (International Association of Relationship Research mini-conference on “Positive action in relationships”, June 2019)

  • A quasi-signal detection analysis of perceiving a romantic partner’s sacrifices and the impact on gratitude in daily life (talk). 
  • I will follow you, but it will cost me: Trailing partners’ exchange motives predict lower relationship quality through costly perceptions of relocation (data blitz).