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Welcoming new students, post-docs, and faculty (and everyone else back!) for 2019-2020!

The Social-Personality Area held a welcome back orientation event to start off the 2019-2020 year!  Thank you so much to Esther Greenglass and the SP Social Committee Daniel and Jon for throwing a fantastic, well-decorated party full of food and prizes for us at the Kaneff Tower. Our orientation is a social event that kicks off the start of our colloquium brown bag series every Monday from 12:00 – 1:30pm in BSB 163.

This year was special because we welcomed many new people at the level of grad student, post-doc, and faculty! Firstly, special welcome to our 2 new graduate students, Miranda Too (working with Esther Greenglass) and Eric Tu (working with Amy Muise)! We also have a new post-doc, Emily Cross (working with Amy Muise). This year we also welcomed 2 new faculty members, Joey Cheng and Max Barranti!

We are thrilled to welcome so many new members to our SP family!

Picture of Miranda Too and Eric Tu
New graduate students Miranda Too and Eric Tu!
Picture of new faculty member Dr. Max Barranti, standing with faculty members Kerry, Jen and Ward.
Our new faculty member Max Barranti (second from left) welcomed by fellow faculty members Kerry, Jen and Ward!
Picture of new post-doc member Emily, standing with Deborah, Alex, Xia and Ronda
Deborah, Alex, Xia, Ronda and our newest post-doc Emily!