In-person conferences are back in full swing! Many members of the SP area made it out to Atlanta, GA for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) conference on February 23-25 and Philadelphia, PA for the American Psychology-Law Society (APLS) conference on March 16-18.
Spending the last few days of Black History Month in the historic birthplace of Martin Luther King Jr. was such a great experience and we even had the chance to present lots of research! See below for the list of students and professors who attended and presented (APLS attendees noted):
Alecia Carolli
Poster: Zoom Usage and Psychological Outcomes
Alexandra Liepmann
Poster: Metaperceptions of sexual evaluations in romantic relationships: Do anxiously attached people know how their partner views them?
Alexandria West & Justin McManus
Symposium: Love conquers all? Intimate racism and difference in interracial relationships
Alisha Salerno (APLS)
Talk: Exploring the role of emotional demeanor in a preliminary investigation context: Expectation violations & gender
Brianna Davison
Poster: Sorry Not Sorry: The Impacts of Nonapology on the Conflict Responses of Victims with Anxious Attachment
Courtney Chan
Poster: What's in a face?: Perceptions of Confronters of Racism
Emily Bissada
Poster: Distinguishing between emotions in an intergroup context: Perceiving anger, fear, and happiness on Black and White faces
Eric Tu
Poster: An electric feel: Identification and measurement of romantic chemistry
Roundtable: An electric feel: Identification and measurement of romantic chemistry
Erik Allen
Poster: Aisan or female? How social categorization shapes math‐gender stereotyping of Asian women
Grace Millett
Poster: I’m Watching You: The Role of Feeling Devalued, Power, and Jealousy in Electronic Monitoring of Romantic Partners
Graziela Martelli
Poster: Karma and Interpersonal Justice Evaluations
Hannah Tran
Poster: Attributions of trustworthiness on Black and White faces by Black perceivers
Jingyuan (Sophie) Li
Poster: Transgression Victims' Motivations to Harbour Grudges: The Effects of Narcissism
Joey Cheng
Symposium: Gender Gaps in Power, Status, and Labor Market Outcomes: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions From Cross‐disciplinary Perspectives
Kaiwen (Kev) Zhou
Poster: Differential attention to the facial features and the Own-Race Bias
Kerry Kawakami
Talk (co-authors Chanel Meyers and Justin Friesen): The impact of race of perceiver and targets on perceptions of trustworthiness: A Black and White perspective
Mina Aryaie
Poster: Belief in the Evil Eye
Miranda Too
Data Blitz: Humility promotes status: Evidence from ad hoc and naturalistic groups
Poster: Humility promotes status: Evidence from ad hoc and naturalistic groups
Naomi Phung
Poster: COVID‐19 Anxiety, Threat, Monitoring Behaviour, Self‐Efficacy & Coping
Raymond Mar
Talk: Are Stories Easier to Understand and Remember? A Meta‐analysis of the Existing Evidence
Ronda Lo
Poster: How does culture shape gaze‐cueing across multiple gazes? An investigation across Euro‐ Americans, Middle Easterners, South Asians, and East Asians
Stephanie Raposo
Poster: Similarity Between Partners’ Sexual Need Fulfillment Norms and Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction
Zoe Fargnoli Brown
Poster: The Impact of Changing Emotions on Facial Recognition in an Intergroup Context

Top row; From left to right: Grace Millett, Brianna Davison, Kaiwen (Kev) Zhou
Bottom row: From left to right: Miranda Too, Kerry Kawakami, Alecia Carolli, Graziela Martelli, Jingyuan (Sophie) Li, Cindel White, Raymond Mar, Erik Allen
Great work everyone! Looking forward to doing it all over next year!