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Dr. Alex West interviews again on CTV!

Newly minted Ph.D. Dr. Alex West did another interview on CTV about her recent publication in the journal, "The Cost of Being “True to Yourself” for Mixed Selves: Frame Switching Leads to Perceived Inauthenticity and Downstream Social Consequences for Biculturals". This time she talks with CTV Angie Seth again and Danielle Ayow, director of "But […]

Dr. Alex West interviews on CTV about recent paper on biculturals!

Over the weekend, our newly defended Ph.D. candidate, Dr. Alex West, did an interview on CTV about her recent publication in the journal, Social Psychology and Personality Science, "The Cost of Being “True to Yourself” for Mixed Selves: Frame Switching Leads to Perceived Inauthenticity and Downstream Social Consequences for Biculturals". In her paper, she demonstrates […]

SSHRC post-docs all around for the SP area!

The York SP area is very proud to announce that Caroline Erentzen, Meghan George, and Alex West have all secured SSHRC post-doctoral fellowships!! These post-doctoral fellowships are very competitive, and it is an honour to have 3 of those fellowships awarded to our amazing students at York SP. We are super proud of them! See below for a […]

Chanel Meyers starts Assistant Prof position at Whitman College!

Chanel Meyers has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Whitman College, starting August 2020! She is a post-doc working with Kerry Kawakami, and received her Ph.D. at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. Awesome job Chanel!!

SPSP and APLS were a success in New Orleans!

The SP area has been busy-busy at New Orleans for both the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) conference on February 27-29 and the American Psychology-Law Society (APLS) conference on March 5-7! Besides Mardi Gras, alligators, drag tours, jazz bars, and beignets, we also presented a ton of research! See below for the list of students who attended […]

Raymond, Joey & Amy are named 2020 York Research Leaders!

Three of our own Social-Personality Psychology faculty members were named as 2020 York Research Leaders, who are recognized as leaders and pioneers in their field! Raymond Mar was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from Germany’s Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. His research focuses on how engaging with fiction can influence social cognition, empathy, and theory […]

Brownbag: Dr. Jason Deska (Ryerson U)

We welcomed Dr. Jason Deska from Ryerson University on Feb 3rd to give a talk at our weekly Social-Personality Colloquium Series (Brownbag). The name of his talk was "Reading Minds from Faces: Forming and Updating Impressions of Minds". Please see his website for more details about his research program! Abstract: Perceiving others' minds is a fundamental cognitive skill that is essential for […]

Brownbag: Dr. Rebecca Neel (U of Toronto)

We welcomed Dr. Rebecca Neel from University of Toronto on Jan 20th to start off 2020 with a talk at our weekly Social-Personality Colloquium Series (Brownbag). The name of her talk was "The stigma of perceived irrelevance: A functional approach to social judgment and stigmatization". Please see her website for more details about her research program! Abstract: Black women, older adults, obese […]

Andy Ng accepts new position at Cardiff U!

Andy Ng, SP area alumnus from 2015, has accepted a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) position at Cardiff University in Marketing and Strategy. Before this, he was an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Sabanci University. Awesome work Andy!

Rhonda Balzarini accepts Assistant Professor position at Texas State U!

Dr. Rhonda Balzarini is a post-doctoral fellow working with Amy Muise, and she has accepted a position as Assistant Professor at Texas State University. Rhonda previously completed her Ph.D. at Western University. Amazing work Rhonda, you will be missed here! Check out Rhonda's work here!