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Global Health BSc (2nd Degree): Program Map

1st Year Your first year of the 2nd Degree in Global Health BSc will typically include the following courses. When you enroll, you will have the opportunity to choose a schedule that works best for you but you can get an idea of what your first year in Global Health will look like by viewing […]

Health Management BHS: Program Map

1st Year Your first year in the BHS in Health Management would likely include courses related to the Health Management major, General Education courses meant to offer breadth in your studies, and elective courses that can be chosen from any subject taught at York.  A full time course load would be five classes in the […]

Psychology BSc: Program Map

1st Year Your first year in the BSc in Psychology would likely include courses related to the Psychology major, General Education courses meant to offer breadth in your studies, and courses outside the major in sciences and math.  A full time course load would be five classes in the Fall and Winter semester, but some […]

Kinesiology and Health Science BSc: Program Map

1st Year Your first year in the BSc in Kinesiology and Health Science would likely include courses related to the Kinesiology and Health Science major, General Education courses meant to offer breadth in your studies, and courses outside the major in sciences and math.  A full time course load would be five classes in the […]

Global Health BSc: Program Map

1st Year Your first year in the BSc in Global Health would likely include courses related to the Global Health major, General Education courses meant to offer breadth in your studies, and courses outside the major in sciences and math. A full time course load would be five classes in the Fall and Winter semester, […]

Health Studies (Policy, Management, Digital Health)

Health Beyond Medicine With rapid changes in technology and a growing population, non-clinical health professionals, including health managers, digital health specialists, and policy experts are in demand. York’s Health Studies program prepares students for careers in these rewarding fields while emphasizing an approach to health that focuses on broader societal issues. Maclean’s magazine has listed […]

Kinesiology & Health Science

Education in Motion Kinesiology and Health Science is the study of physical activity and its importance for human health, health science and society. The program addresses the continuum of the role of physical activity on human health from the cellular level to the whole body in the bioscience, psychological and sociocultural domains. By offering both […]


Fostering Caring Relationships York’s School of Nursing offers three BScN options, all at York’s Keele campus: a 4-year Direct Entry program, a 2nd-Entry program, and a Post-RN Internationally Educated Nurses program. Our programs develop reflective and socially responsive practitioners to ensure health for all through nursing excellence. Students learn to collaborate in an interprofessional team, […]

Undergraduate Programs

Explore our undergraduate programs below to learn more. The corresponding [OUAC Program Codes] are listed for each degree option. Global Health (BA, BSc) Global Health is the study and practice of improving health and achieving health equity on a global scale.  You will study topics such as chronic disease and care, health promotion, global health […]

Global Health

Global Health (Video Transcript) Global Health is the study of improving health and achieving health equity for all people worldwide. As Canada’s first undergraduate Global Health program, it has been recognized by Maclean’s magazine as one of York’s “standout” programs. In today’s interconnected world, issues such as the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, and growing rates […]