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Faculty of Health

General Education PAT-Approved Health Courses

Students have the option to take Faculty of Health courses from the list approved by the Faculty of Health as substitutes for social science general education courses. Courses that incorporate pedagogy that aids transition (PAT) will be added below once they have been approved. HH/GH 1010 3.00 Foundations of Global Health Studies HH/HLST 1010 3.00 […]

COVID-19 and Urban Indigenous Peoples

What does COVID-19 mean for urban Indigenous communities? In terms of transmission rates and risk factors for COVID-19 in these communities, recent funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) will support a key research project seeking to develop new statistical methods to answer this important question. The research team co-led by Professor Michael Rotondi, […]

Experiential Education Course Coding Pilot - Step 2

Now that you have read the purpose of the course-coding pilot, and reviewed the Common Language for EE, you can complete the survey to indicate the type of EE you plan to include in your Fall/Winter 2017-18 Kinesiology and Health Science undergraduate courses. Questions? Anda Petro, Experiential Education Coordinator 416 736 2100 ext. 40655

Experiential Education Course Coding Pilot - Step 1

Review the Common Language for Experiential Education The Common Language for EE at York is a pan-university document outlining a common language for describing EE in the university. For the purpose of this pilot, the document has been summarized in the following table. You can also access this table as a PDF.Click here to see […]

Experiential Education Course Coding Pilot in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science

Experiential Education is an approach to learning that bridges theory and practice. Numerous courses in the Faculty of Health incorporate experiential education through a variety of strategies: from guest speakers, and field trips to community based research, and placements.  The School of Kinesiology and Health Science is participating in a pilot to determine a method […]

High School Outreach

Upcoming Events for High School Students High School Presentations Are you a high school teacher or guidance counsellor looking to arrange a presentation for your school? Please connect with us below to discuss options. Contact Us Gwendolyn Gringhuis,Recruitment & Liaison OfficerFaculty of Health, York University (416) 736-2100 ext. 21464

Awards and Recognition

Faculty members in the Faculty of Health have been recognized with multiple honours and awards. NAME PROGRAM AWARDS/RECOGNITION Farah Ahmad School of Health Policy & Management CIHR New Investigator Award Early Researcher Award Ellen Bialystok Psychology Distinguished Research ProfessorOrder of Canada Royal Society of Canada - Academy of Social Science York Research Chair Claudia Chaufan […]

Healthy World Report/Impact Report

Faculty of Health Impact Report 2018-2019 [PDF] Faculty of Health Impact Report 2019-2020 [PDF] Faculty of Health Impact Report 2020-2021 [PDF] Faculty of Health Impact Report 2021-2022 [PDF] Faculty of Health Impact Report Fall 2023 Faculty of Health Healthy World Report Fall 2024

Kinesiology and Health Science students key players in adaptive skating program

For Kinesiology and Health Science’s Dr. Stephanie Bowerman, her Adapted Physical Activity course (KINE 3345) excels in raising students’ understanding of what differently abled individuals need in order to be able to participate in physical activities. But it is the unique partnership she has fostered with her course and SkateABLE, an organization that offers adaptive […]