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Charting New Territory in Spatial Memory Research

Shayna Rosenbaum PSYCHOLOGY FOR AS LONG AS Shayna Rosenbaum can remember, the big star in memory research has been the hippocampus, the curved structure of the brain’s limbic system that plays an important role in creating and maintaining short- and long-term memories. Yet, as Rosenbaum has learned, that’s only one part of the story. Along […]

A Team Approach to Addressing Chronic Pain

Joel Katz PSYCHOLOGY ABOUT ONE IN 10 PEOPLE experience chronic post-surgical pain (CPSP). This means that of the 400 million people who have operations each year worldwide, about 40 million may develop ongoing moderate to severe pain that interferes with their ability to lead a productive, enjoyable life. But despite these staggering statistics, and their […]

The Power of Peers

Farah Ahmed HEALTH POLICY & MANAGEMENT THE NOTION THAT WE TRUST PEERS over strangers is long established, and in recent years the impetus for organizations has been to tap peer leaders as a conduit for awareness and information about health issues. Lesser known, however, are the emotional complexities of this role, increasingly important in reaching […]

Video Description - Kinesiology Honours Progression Presentation

0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:17.000 [Kine to Psych academic advising form example with text on screen: “Important Notice: Once you complete this presentation and submit the information requested in the form below, your enrolment bloc will be lifted within 3 business days. Please view the entire presentation before completing the form.”] once you complete this presentation and […]

Video Description - Global Health

0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:03.000 [Faculty of Health logo] 0:00:03.000 --> 0:00:07.190 [text on screen: “Global Health”] 0:00:07.190 --> 0:00:12.210 [aerial footage of a city] Global health challenges such as chronic and infectious diseases do not recognize 0:00:16.710 --> 0:00:18.000 [aerial footage of a desert] borders. The health of the world's population is intertwined with broader 0:00:18.000 […]

Video Description - Health Studies

0:00:00.000 --> 0:06:00.000[Faculty of Health at York University logo] 0:06:00.000 --> 0:00:07.390[Health Studies logo] 0:00:07.390 --> 0:00:09.770[The words ‘what comes to mind when you think of health care?’ appears on screen]What comes to mind when you think of health care? 0:00:09.770 --> 0:00:14.570[Illustration of a Doctor’s white coat and Nurse’s scrubs]A doctor? A nurse? 0:00:14.570 […]

Video Description - Nursing

0:00:01.220 --> 0:00:08.900 [Faculty of Health logo] 0:00:06.379 --> 0:00:12.030 [Health, Nursing, and Environmental Studies building at York University] the School of Nursing at York University 0:00:08.900 --> 0:00:14.790 believes every patient has a story and 0:00:12.030 --> 0:00:16.770 [Nursing students practicing patient care in a simulated lab] that's why compassionate care is at the […]

Video Transcript - Psychology

0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:05.000 [Faculty of Health logo] 0:00:05.000 --> 0:00:07.000 [text on screen: “Psychology”] 0:00:07.000 --> 0:00:21.700 [Stephanie Tassopoulus, fourth year Psychology student] I took psychology because I was interested in learning more about why people behave the way they do people are complicated and psychology accepts that complexity while also trying to break things […]

Video Description - Kinesiology & Health Science

0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:05.000[Faculty of Health at York University logo] 0:00:05.000 --> 0:00:07.670[Kinesiology & Health Science logo] 0:00:07.670 --> 0:00:10.050[Students walking around campus]Welcome to the school of kinesiology and health science and the 0:00:12.050 --> 0:00:16.199[Students in an office]Faculty of Health at York University. 0:00:12.870 --> 0:00:24.170[Professor Angelo Belcastro, Chair of the School of Kinesiology & […]

General Education PAT-Approved Health Courses

Students have the option to take Faculty of Health courses from the list approved by the Faculty of Health as substitutes for social science general education courses. Courses that incorporate pedagogy that aids transition (PAT) will be added below once they have been approved. HH/GH 1010 3.00 Foundations of Global Health Studies HH/HLST 1010 3.00 […]