0:00:01.220 –> 0:00:08.900
[Faculty of Health logo]
0:00:06.379 –> 0:00:12.030
[Health, Nursing, and Environmental Studies building at York University]
the School of Nursing at York University
0:00:08.900 –> 0:00:14.790
believes every patient has a story and
0:00:12.030 –> 0:00:16.770
[Nursing students practicing patient care in a simulated lab]
that’s why compassionate care is at the
0:00:14.790 –> 0:00:21.779
[Nursing student listening to a patient’s heart rate]
heart of what students learn in our program.
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[Professor lecturing in a classroom]
York School of Nursing offers a
0:00:21.779 –> 0:00:28.140
diversity of program choices depending on
0:00:24.840 –> 0:00:30.269
[Student taking notes during a lecture]
your experience and background.
0:00:28.140 –> 0:00:32.369
[Health, Nursing, and Environmental Studies building at York University]
High school graduates enter our four year
0:00:30.269 –> 0:00:34.950
[Title on screen reads “York Seneca-Georgian Collaborative Nursing (BScN)”. Text underneath reads “Spend your first 2 years at one of the colleges, then years 3 and 4 at York. Acquire critical thinking and research skills. Gain extensive practicum/clinical experience.”]
full time Bachelor of Science in Nursing
0:00:32.369 –> 0:00:39.870
[Nursing student setting up IV drip]
degree in collaboration with Georgian
0:00:34.950 –> 0:00:41.969
[Nursing professor explaining an anatomical model to her student]
and Seneca colleges The Bachelor of
0:00:39.870 –> 0:00:44.100
[Title on screen reads “Internationally Educated Nursing (IEN) (BScN)”. Text underneath reads “A compressed program that allows you to earn your degree in under 2 years. Build on strengths you already have to obtain the Cnadian credentials needed for employment in Ontario.”]
Science in Nursing for internationally
0:00:41.969 –> 0:00:46.230
[Students practicing on Nursing dummy]
educated nurses is for those who are
0:00:44.100 –> 0:00:52.680
already nurses in other countries and
0:00:46.230 –> 0:00:54.719
[Nurse tending to a patient]
I wish to practice in Ontario.
0:00:52.680 –> 0:00:56.910
[Woman presenting to a conference room]
The second-entry Bachelor of Science in Nursing is
0:00:54.719 –> 0:01:01.000
[Title on screen reads: “2nd Entry Nursing (BScN)”. Text underneath reads “For those who have completed a previous degree in another discipline or have 60 credits toward a university degree”.]
for people with previous university experience.
0:01:01.000 –> 0:01:06.710
[Nursing professor talking to her students around a hospital bed]
In each of our degree programs students
0:01:04.250 –> 0:01:08.960
learn the theoretical and scientific
0:01:06.710 –> 0:01:10.340
knowledge of human caring and then apply
0:01:08.960 –> 0:01:12.680
[Nursing student wrapping a hospital band around her patient]
that knowledge through hands-on
0:01:10.340 –> 0:01:14.420
opportunities in clinical and teaching
0:01:12.680 –> 0:01:17.119
[People walking in a hallway. Logos on screen for York University, Toronto Public Health, Sick kids hospital, St. Michael’s hospital, Sunnybrook health sciences centre, Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre, and William Osler Health System.]
environments with many of York’s
0:01:14.420 –> 0:01:19.190
partners including hospitals community
0:01:17.119 –> 0:01:22.880
health centers and public health agencies.
0:01:19.190 –> 0:01:24.710
[Pamela Mairina, Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing student]
So in the collaborative program
0:01:22.880 –> 0:01:26.570
were actually with the same people for
0:01:24.710 –> 0:01:28.580
almost four years and I think this
0:01:26.570 –> 0:01:30.830
[Pamela working with her classmates in a hospital]
really has built a good relationship
0:01:28.580 –> 0:01:33.679
with all of my friends and my classmates
0:01:30.830 –> 0:01:35.660
the theoretical portion of the nursing
0:01:33.679 –> 0:01:38.300
program has really helped me understand
0:01:35.660 –> 0:01:40.460
[Man giving a presentation to a conference room]
the foundation of Nursing which is
0:01:38.300 –> 0:01:42.710
[Professionals listening to a presentation in a conference room]
really what we need in order to be at
0:01:40.460 –> 0:01:44.840
our practicum placements to begin with.
0:01:42.710 –> 0:01:46.880
[Sean Choo, 2nd Entry Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)]
The nursing program here at York has
0:01:44.840 –> 0:01:48.770
prepared me for my nursing career by
0:01:46.880 –> 0:01:50.539
allowing me to take what I learned in
0:01:48.770 –> 0:01:52.640
[Sean adjusting a skeleton model]
class the theory and putting it into
0:01:50.539 –> 0:01:54.920
[Sean assisting a patient on crutches]
practice with my clinical placements
0:01:52.640 –> 0:01:56.330
every semester of the way what I like
0:01:54.920 –> 0:01:58.039
[Professor giving a lecture]
about the process they’re very
0:01:56.330 –> 0:02:00.440
supportive and they’re always around to
0:01:58.039 –> 0:02:01.429
[Professor displaying an anatomical model]
give us an extra hand and just be that
0:02:00.440 –> 0:02:03.289
extra little push.
0:02:01.429 –> 0:02:05.360
[Akash Ganga, Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) student]
I think the professor’s are really great.
0:02:03.289 –> 0:02:07.520
They not only respect our international
0:02:05.360 –> 0:02:09.709
[Akash in a conference room]
experience they actually encourage us to
0:02:07.520 –> 0:02:12.860
[Akash putting a ventilator on a nursing dummy]
bring this experience to classrooms or placements
0:02:09.709 –> 0:02:14.720
[Akash listening to a patient’s heart rate]
hospitals communities so the
0:02:12.860 –> 0:02:17.239
hands-on experience is the best part of this
0:02:14.720 –> 0:02:18.830
Program. The clinical course directors
0:02:17.239 –> 0:02:21.230
[Clinical course director assisting Akash with a patient]
are always there at the placements
0:02:18.830 –> 0:02:22.640
guiding us throughout our practice and
0:02:21.230 –> 0:02:25.610
[Akash speaking]
this has really boosted my confidence
0:02:22.640 –> 0:02:28.760
and my nursing skills in Canadian context.
0:02:25.610 –> 0:02:31.430
[Students in a lecture hall]
Through diversity of program
0:02:28.760 –> 0:02:34.099
[Nursing students working on a skeleton model]
choices, York School of Nursing prepares
0:02:31.430 –> 0:02:37.190
[Nursing student preparing a needle]
students for rewarding careers as nurses
0:02:34.099 –> 0:02:39.140
[Two nursing students helping a patient with a walker]
who are dedicated to compassionate care
0:02:37.190 –> 0:02:44.360
and have the skills to become the future
0:02:39.140 –> 0:02:46.270
[Nursing students working in a hospital]
leaders of health care in Canada.
0:02:44.360 –> 0:02:49.490
[Text on screen: “Want more information about our programs? BscN. MscN. PhD. Nurse Practitioner”]
For more information about our programs
0:02:46.270 –> 0:02:52.520
including our graduate programs please
0:02:49.490 –> 0:02:54.700
[Text on screen: “Nursing at York University. Nursing.info.yorku.ca”]
visit our website at nursing.info.yorku.ca.