Anth 2140 Administrative Details                 back to 2140 home page

Dr. Kathryn Denning's office and hours: Vari Hall 2029, Mondays 3:00-4:00, and Tuesdays 11:00-12:00. Also available by appointment and via email. (Email preferred to telephone.) Email:  Telephone: 416-736-2100 X40136

Contacting your Teaching Assistant: Your TA will give you instructions during class about when you can meet with them in person, and/or how to reach them by telephone. They may also correspond with you by email: however, please note that TAs work part-time, and may not always be available to answer email queries quickly.

ANTH 2140 TAs and emails tutorial times                                   

(all tutorials on Weds in Vari 1005)

office hour and office location     Anthro Dept grad room, Vari Hall 2033

Melanie Hammond


9:30, 10:30

 Monday 3:15-4:15 or by appointment

Joelle Reid


11:30, 12:30

 Monday 1:30-2:30

Ruth Hamill


1:30, 2:30

 Wednesday 1:00-1:30

Anne Hartman


3:30, 4:30

 Tues 12:00 - 12:30

If you missed a lecture or a tutorial: Check the course website for announcements and partial lecture notes. Also check with a classmate and your TA to see if you missed any handouts, and ask a classmate to borrow their lecture notes. (Online lecture notes do not include everything discussed in class.) If you missed seeing a video that we watched in class, do try to watch it; many of the videos are available from the Scott Library and can be viewed there. (Sound and Moving Image Library, within Scott Library.)

If you missed picking up a handout: Copies of all course handouts are kept on file in the Anthropology Office, 2054 Vari Hall. You may pick them up there, from 9:30 am - 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Sometimes assignment handouts will be posted online and will be accessible via the main course page.

If you need to hand in an assignment outside of tutorial hours: You may hand the assignment in at the Anthropology Office, 2054 Vari Hall. If you go during counter hours, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, you sign a book to verify that you handed it in. If you go when the office is closed, you may hand in the assignment by placing it in the drop box labelled "Denning", immediately to the right of the Anthro office counter. Please ensure that your assignment is completely labelled with your name and student number, the assignment name, the course name and number, the prof's name, your TA's name, your tutorial time, and the date. [Do NOT slide your assignment under a door.]

If you missed a test or a quiz: Contact your TA as soon as possible.

If you need to talk to the Anthropology Undergraduate Program staff, please contact Mrs. Betty Hagopian at 2054 Vari Hall, tel: 416-736-5261, email:

For additional Anthropology department members, check the listings here: