Anth 3510 Course Readings                                                                                                                                                                     

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Scroll down for readings list through to end of November.

PDFs now available -scroll down.


Reading for September classes and October 3:

Thomas King. 2003. The Truth about Stories.

Lotte Hughes. 2003. The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples.


Reading for October 10 - none - Thanksgiving.

Reading for October 17: Online reading

The Prehistory of Ontario          Required: Read the Overview. Recommended: read through the individual time periods.
Peopling North America  



1. Early Migrations to the Americas (subsections 1.0 Introduction, 1.1 Problems in the Study of Early Migration, 1.2 The Spread of Homo sapiens, 1.3 Inter-Cultural Contacts)   Ensure that you read all the material within each subsection, that is, read 1.3a, 1.3b, 1.3c)


2. European Migrations to North America (subsections 2.0 Introduction, 2.1 The Nature of the Diaspora, 2.2 Major Influences on Migration, 2.3 Patterns in Migration and Settlement, 2.4 The Impact of Migration. Ensure that you read all the material within each subsection, that is, read 2.4a, 2.4b, 2.4c, 2.4d)


Recommended: The rest of that site -- i.e. the sections on 3,4,5,6,7, or further European, Asian, and African population movements -- is useful background to the history of North America.

Canada’s First Nations Required: all sections.

Tip: click on "sitemap" to see an overview of the contents of the site.



Oct 17

Test, 10%, on the King and Hughes books


History: First Peoples of North America


The Prehistory of Ontario    (Overview)

Peopling North America   (Sections 1 & 2)

Canada’s First Nations   (all)

Oct 24


Recent History: Native People in Canada

The Dispossessed: Life and Death in Native Canada. Geoffrey York. 1989. Foreword, Introduction, Chapter 2 (From Lytton to Sabaskong Bay: Fighting for the Schools), Chapter 3 (Inside the Reserves), Chapter 8 (From Manitoba to Massachussetts: The Lost Generation), and Chapter 9 (The New Militancy).

Oct 31


Archaeology Basics, and an Introduction to Archaeology & Indigenous People



Wendy Ashmore and Robert Sharer. 2005. Discovering Our Past: A Brief Introduction to Archaeology, 4th edition. Boston: McGraw Hill. Read "Introduction" (pp 1-23) and "Archaeology Today" (pp 238-255) 

Joe Watkins. 2000. Indigenous Archaeology: American Indian Values and Scientific Practice. Walnut Creek: AltaMira. Read "American Indians and Archaeologists: A Stormy Relationship" (pp 3-22) and "Ethics in Anthropology and Archaeology" (pp 23-36) 

H. Martin Wobst. 2005. "Power to the (indigenous) past and present! Or: The theory and method behind archaeological theory and method." in Claire Smith and H. Martin Wobst, eds. Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonizing Theory and Practice. London: Routledge. pp 17-32. 

Heather Harris. 2005. "Indigenous Worldviews and ways of knowing as theoretical and methodological foundations for archaeological research." in Smith and Wobst, eds. Indigenous Archaeologies, pp 33-41. 

Nov 7


Archaeology and Indigenous Peoples: ethics, history, and things in museums.

The Economist. 2002. Can You Dig It?   PDF

J Adovasio and J Page. 2002. “Glimpses through the Looking Glass.” From: The First Americans. New York: Random House. pp 3-32.  PDF

Andrew Gulliford, 2000. “Native Americans and Museums: Curation and Repatriation of Sacred and Tribal Objects.” From his book: Sacred Objects and Sacred Places. Boulder: University of Colorado Press. pp 41-66 PDF

Nov 14

Bodies: Stealing them, studying them, displaying them, returning them, honouring them

Andrew Gulliford, 2000. “Bones of Contention” From his book: Sacred Objects and Sacred Places. Boulder: University of Colorado Press. pp 13-40. PDF

David Hurst Thomas. 2000. Selections from: Skull Wars. New York: Basic Books. PDF

 Vine Deloria. 1999 [1989]. “A Simple Question of Humanity.”  PDF

Devon Mihesuah. 2000 [1996]. “American Indians, Anthropologists, Pothunters, and Repatriation.” PDF

Nov 21

The value of heritage?

Hester Davis. 2002. “Looting graves/ buying and selling artefacts: facing reality in the US.” PDF

 Randall McGuire. 1996. “The Gringo Stigma.” PDF

 Douglas Cole. 1985. “Museums, Expositions, and Their Stigma.” PDF

 Lee Maracle. 2004. “Goodbye Snauq.” PDF

Nov 28

Class poster party!

Community and collaborative archaeology


Andrew Curry. 2005. “Tribal Challenges.” PDF

 Ken MacQueen. 2003. “West Coast Renaissance.” PDF

 Mike Parker Pearson and Ramilisonina. 2004. “Public Archaeology and Indigenous Communities.” PDF