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Home » Sarah Flicker

Sarah Flicker

Professor & York Research Chair (Tier 2) in Community-Based Participatory Research, and Environmental Arts & Justice Coordinator


Department: Environmental Studies
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Research Interests

Dr. Flicker’s research interests are in the areas of youth health, community-based participatory research, public health, community development, HIV/AIDS and adolescent development. She is engaged in research that focuses on youth HIV prevention and support, environmental, sexual and reproductive justice. She is actively engaged in research teams that focus on adolescent sexual health with youth in Canada and South Africa. Her research has informed policy at the municipal, provincial and federal levels. Sarah and her teams have won a number of prestigious awards for youth engagement in health research.

Published Manuscripts (Select Publications)

Switzer, S., Flicker, S., McClelland, A., Carusone, S. C., Ferguson, T. B., Herelle, N., ... & Strike, C. (2020). Journeying together: A visual exploration of “engagement” as a journey in HIV programming and service delivery. Health & Place, 102247.

Flicker, S., & MacEntee, K. (2020). Digital storytelling as a research method. The Sage Handbook of Visual Research Methods, 267-281.

Wuttunee, K. D., Altenberg, J., & Flicker, S. (2019). Red Ribbon Skirts and Cultural Resurgence: Kimihko sîmpân iskwêwisâkaya êkwa sihcikêwin waniskâpicikêwin. Girlhood Studies, 12(3), 63-79.

Flicker, S., Wilson, C., Monchalin, R., Oliver, V., Prentice, T., Jackson, R., Larkin, J., Mitchell, C. and Restoule, J. P. (2019). “Stay strong, stay sexy, stay native”: Storying indigenous youth HIV prevention activism. Action Research, 17(3), 323-343.

Flicker, S. (2019). S21. 1 Youth and community based research. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 95(Suppl 1), A33.

Flicker, S., Wilson, C., Native Youth Sexual Health Network, Monchalin, R., Restoule, J.P., Mitchell, C., Larkin, J., Prentice, T., Jackson, R. and Oliver, V.,  (2019). The Impact of Indigenous Youth Sharing Digital Stories About HIV Activism. Health Promotion Practice, 1524839918822268.

Flicker, S., Mawani, F. N., & Dellavilla, M. (2019). Reflections on Teaching, Learning and Doing Participatory Research in a Graduate Seminar. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 13(3), 293-302.

MacEntee, K., & Flicker, S. (2019). 18 Doing It: Participatory Visual Methodologies and Youth Sexuality Research.

Flicker, S., Sayde, A., Hedlund, K., Malivel, G., Wong, K., Owino, M., & Booy, S. (2018). Teaching and learning about the relationships between land, violence and women's bodies: the possibilities of participatory visual methods as pedagogy. Agenda, 32(4), 32-44.

Flicker, S. (2018). 17. Unsettling. Disrupting Shameful Legacies: Girls and Young Women Speaking Back through the Arts to Address Sexual Violence, 313.