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Return of the Michif Boy: Confronting Métis trauma with PhD Student Jesse Thistle on CBC's Ideas

Return of the Michif Boy: Confronting Métis trauma with PhD Student Jesse Thistle on CBC's Ideas

CBC's radio program Ideas featured PhD student Jesse Thistle.

Thistle, now on his way to his doctorate in History has a compelling backstory: one of transformation. Once a high school drop-out, spending more than a decade in and out of homeless shelters, there was a long, difficult period of drug and alcohol addiction. By reconnecting with his birth mother and spending time with his Métis elders he came to understand the effects of intergenerational trauma. Now, his award-winning  research raises awareness of the struggles and the resilience of Métis 'road-side allowance' communities in northern Saskatchewan.

 LISTEN TO FULL IDEAS EPISODE54 Minutes (March 23, 2017)