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CBC spotlights Humanities PhD Candidate Joseph Smith who inspires youth with Black Panther

CBC spotlights Humanities PhD Candidate Joseph Smith who inspires youth with Black Panther


Humanities PhD Candidate Joseph Smith aimed to inspire kids with the superhero movie Black Panther.

In the Jane-Finch community, Smith runs a weekly after school program for teens called Generation Chosen with his best friend Dwayne Brown. They entered Generation Chosen into a contest by Toronto’s Black Business and Professional Association (BPPA) and won. The prize: tickets to see the hotly anticipated Black Panther, featuring an African superhero. The BBPA, thanks to community fundraising, raised $12,000 to send 350 youth and 100 parents and guardians to see the flick.

On lessons learned from the film, Generation Chosen member Akim Maxlino, 12, says “I’m gonna use that towards school and life.”

Read the full CBC story.