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Learn more about privacy in a digital world during IRDL speaker presentation

Learn more about privacy in a digital world during IRDL speaker presentation


photo of jonathan obar

Jonathan Obar

What is internet privacy, and how does it apply to you? Learn more about this timely topic from York University Assistant Professor Jonathan Obar on Feb. 11 when he delivers the talk “Privacy! Now that I’ve got your attention, let’s talk about privacy.”

The event, which runs as part of the Institute for Research on Digital Learning (IRDL) Speaker Series 2018-19, takes place from 3 to 4 p.m. in 280N York Lanes.

People think they care about privacy – people say they want to learn about privacy – but the research suggests otherwise. Saying the word “privacy” is easy, but teaching people about big data and online privacy is difficult.

This talk will address some of the biggest challenges (like “the biggest lie on the internet”) to overcoming this privacy paradox.

Obar is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication Studies at York University. He also serves as a research Fellow with the Quello Center, a communication policy research centre at Michigan State University. His research focuses on information and communication policy, and the relationship between digital technologies, civil liberties and the inclusiveness of public culture.

His recent academic publications address big data and privacy, internet routing and NSA surveillance, network neutrality and digital activism. He is co-editor of Strategies for Media Reform: International Perspectives, published by Fordham University Press.

Light refreshments will be served. RSVP to to confirm attendance.