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Urbanization article sums up existing thought, poses vital questions

Urbanization article sums up existing thought, poses vital questions


Urban studies is not what it used to be. Today, it encompasses the planetary condition, considers the state of humanity, intersects with issues such as mass migration and global warming, and poses some pretty tough questions about our future – arguably, some of the most pressing and timely in the early 21st century.

Linda Peake

Linda Peake

In a new article, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Professor Linda Peake, director of the City Institute at York University, unpacks some critical debates in urbanization and summarizes existing thought, with the help of co-authors from York University, the University of Toronto and Memorial University.

The article, titled “Placing planetary urbanization in other fields of vision” and published in Society and Space (2018), is theoretical but accessible with an underlying sense of urgency. It, along with an impressive record of publication, reinforces Peake’s thought leadership in this key academic area.

This research was funded by the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Peake’s co-authors were York PhD students Darren Patrick and Gokboru Tanyildiz; the City Institute’s postdoctoral visitor, Professor Roza Tchoukaleyska (now at Memorial University); and University of Toronto (U of T) professors Rajyashree Reddy and Sue Ruddick.

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