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Call for nominations: Robert J. Tiffin Student Leadership Award

Call for nominations: Robert J. Tiffin Student Leadership Award

Do you know an outstanding undergraduate or graduate student who has made significant contributions to the York community? Why not nominate that student for a Robert J. Tiffin Student Leadership Award?

The Robert J. Tiffin Student Leadership Award recognizes students whose leadership has contributed to the growth, development and vitality of York University. Established in 2012, this award is named after Robert J. Tiffin, who served as York University’s vice-president, students for nine years. Through his strong leadership, dedication and integrity, Tiffin transformed his operation into one of the most professional student service organizations in the country, serving one of Canada’s largest student populations.

“The focus is on trying to identify and recognize those students who have taken leadership roles in the community,” Tiffin said.

All members of the University community (students, faculty, staff and alumni) are encouraged to submit nominations for this award. Nominees must be currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate students who exhibit leadership, dedication, integrity, enthusiasm and the pursuit of excellence through their endeavours. Selection will be based on leadership and/or involvement in the York community and outstanding academic achievement. Recipients will be honoured at a virtual award reception and have their name added to the awards display in the Vari Hall Rotunda. They will also receive a certificate and have the award noted on their transcript.

“The skills that students develop in the classroom are enhanced through their participation outside of the classroom, by contributing to the community,” said Tiffin, “A lot of the competencies that we look for, like leadership, are really honed by becoming involved and becoming engaged in providing support for fellow students.”

Nomination packages must include:

  • a letter of recommendation from a primary nominator (maximum of 500 words);
  • a statement of support from a secondary nominator representing one nominating constituency (York University students, staff, faculty or alumni) not represented by the primary nominator (maximum of 350 words);
  • a candidate statement that describes how co-curricular involvement at York University has affected their post-secondary experience and helped to enhance the quality of life on campus (maximum of 500 words; include the student number at the top of the page); and
  • a current resumé/CV, including detailed descriptions of involvement at the University.

The nomination package deadline is Sunday, March 13. Submissions must be completed online through the online submission form.

Visit the Robert J. Tiffin Student Leadership Award website for more information. For any questions, email the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students at