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Announcement: LA&PS supports for international students with visa processing delays who are yet to enrol


At York University’s Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies (LA&PS) we are committed to welcoming and supporting all our international students from around the world.

We understand that the global visa processing delays have negatively impacted many international students in LA&PS and that these delays may impact your ability to start the academic term in person on September 7, 2022.

We are writing to let you know that we are dedicated to supporting you. Please read the following suggested options at this time: 

If you are still waiting to receive your VISA:

  1. You can choose to defer your current admission to the next semester by September 10. Once your deferral has been approved, your current admission offer will be rescinded, and a new offer of admission will be issued for January 2023. You will need to accept it and follow the enrolment process.
  2. Fall term classes start on September 7. You can enroll in ONLINE (ONLN) courses for the fall semester, permitted there are spaces available in the courses offered. Please read the course notes to ensure it is a fully online course. You can get assistance with enrolment by emailing and a member of our staff will reach out to you as soon as they can. 

You will not miss Orientation if you start in the winter semester! 

  • Several winter orientation and welcome events take place in January. Keep an eye out for emails and social media alerts on the details in the coming months.

Be part of the LA&PS Community!

  • Watch out for an invite to join our online student community on SLACK. You will be able to ask questions from your international peer mentors and connect with other LA&PS students.
  • Attend virtual events and programs, through September to December, hosted by LA&PS international team. 

Other resources:  

We understand that this may be a stressful and challenging time for you. Please know that there is whole team of people ready and willing to support you here at LA&PS. We are here to help you as best as we can and will provide you with timely updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to LA&PS international at

We look forward to staying connected over the next few months and are excited to welcome you in person, in January 2023.

Take care until then,
Your LA&PS student success team